Superintendent's Recommended FY 2008 Capital Budget & Amendments to the FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program

Book Description

In November 1996, the voters of Montgomery County (Maryland) approved by referendum an amendment to the County Charter that changed the County Council's review and approval cycle of the six-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) from an annual to biennial cycle. The referendum specified that in odd-numbered fiscal years (on years) the County Council would full review the six-year CIP and in even-numbered fiscal years (off years), the County Council only would consider amendments to the adopted CIP. The FY 2007-2012 CIP received a full review and was adopted by the County Council in May 2006. The Superintendent's Recommended FY 2008 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY 2007-2012 CIP provides the recommended appropriation authority for funds needed to implement CIP projects during FY 2008 as well as proposed amendments to the Adopted FY 2007-2012 CIP. This document contains the following sections. Chapter 1, "The Recommended FY 2008 Capital Budget and Amendments to the FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)," a review of the major factors that have influenced the development of recommended amendments to the FY 2008 Capital Budget and the FY 2007-2012 CIP. This chapter includes a table summarizing the recommended Amendments to the FY 2007-2012 CIP. Chapter 2, "The Planning Environment," describes the demographic, economic, and enrollment trends in Montgomery County that form the context for reviewing facility plans and addressing long-range system needs. Chapter 3, "Facility Planning Objectives," outlines seven facility planning objectives that guide the school system at it moves to accommodate enrollment growth and program changes. The objectives are discussed and placed in the context of the recommended CIP actions. Chapter 4, "Recommended Actions and Planning Issues," is arranged by high school cluster and high school consortium. This chapter provides maps depicting school boundaries and locations, a bar graph that indicates school utilization within each cluster, tables with enrollment projections, school demographic profiles, building room use, capacity data, and other facility information. Planning issues are identified, and adopted actions and recommended amendments to the adopted CIP are discussed. Chapter 5, "Countywide Projects," provides a brief summary description of the CIP projects that are programmed to meet the needs of many schools across the county. These projects involve multiyear plans with different schools scheduled each year. Several appendices, at the end of the document, contain information on a variety of topics including enrollment information, state-rated capacities, Board of Education policies, modernization schedules, available school sites, closed schools and their current use, and relocatable classroom placements. Also included are maps for identifying Board of Education, council manic, and legislative election districts. [This report was published by the Department of Communications for the Department of Facilities Management and the Division of Long-range Planning.].

Superintendent's Recommended FY 2009 Capital Budget and the FY 2009-2014 Capital Improvements Program

Book Description

In November 1996, the voters of Montgomery County (Maryland) approved by referendum an amendment to the County Charter that changed the County Council's review and approval cycle of the six-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) from an annual to biennial cycle. The referendum specified that in odd-numbered fiscal years (on years) the County Council would conduct a full review the six-year CIP and in even-numbered fiscal years (off years), the County Council only would consider amendments to the adopted CIP. The Superintendent's Recommended FY 2009-2014 CIP falls in an odd-numbered fiscal year and will receive a full review by the County Council. The Superintendent's Recommended FY 2009 Capital Budget and FY 2009-2014 CIP provides the recommended appropriation authority for funds needed to implement CIP projects during FY 2009 and the expenditure schedule for FY 2009-2014 CIP. This document contains the following sections: Chapter 1, "The Recommended FY 2009 Capital Budget and FY 2009-2014 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)," is a review of the major factors that have influenced the development of recommended projects to the FY 2009 Capital Budget and the FY 2009-2014 CIP. This chapter includes a table summarizing the recommended FY 2009-2014 CIP. Chapter 2, "The Planning Environment," describes the demographic, economic, and enrollment trends in Montgomery County that form the context for reviewing facility plans and addressing long-range system needs. Chapter 3, "Facility Planning Objectives," outlines seven facility planning objectives that guide the school system as it moves to accommodate enrollment growth and program changes. The objectives are discussed and placed in the context of the recommended CIP actions. Chapter 4, "Recommended Actions and Planning Issues," is arranged by high school cluster and high school consortium. This chapter provides maps depicting school boundaries and locations, a bar graph that indicates school utilization within each cluster, tables with enrollment projections, school demographic profiles, building room use, capacity data, and other facility information. Planning issues are identified, and adopted actions and recommended actions to this CIP are discussed. Chapter 5, "Countywide Projects," provides a brief summary description of the CIP projects that are programmed to meet the needs of many schools across the county. These projects involve multiyear plans with different schools scheduled each year. (Referred to as countywide projects) Several appendices, at the end of the document, contain information on a variety of topics including enrollment information, state-rated capacities, Board of Education policies, modernization schedules, available school sites, closed schools and their current use, and relocatable classroom placements. Also included are maps for identifying Board of Education, council manic, and legislative election districts. [This report was published by the Department of Communications for the Department of Facilities Management and the Division of Long-range Planning. For "Superintendent's Recommended FY 2008 Capital Budget & Amendments to the FY 2007-2012 Capital Improvements Program," see ED557693.].

Superintendent's Recommended FY 2011 Capital Budget and the FY 2011-2016 Capital Improvements Program

Book Description

In November 1996, the voters of Montgomery County approved by referendum an amendment to the County Charter that changed the County Council's review and approval cycle of the six-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP) from an annual to biennial cycle. The referendum specified that in odd-numbered fiscal years (on-years) the County Council would conduct a full review of the six-year CIP and in even-numbered fiscal years (off-years), the County Council only would consider amendments to the adopted CIP. The Superintendent's Recommended FY 2011-2016 CIP falls in an odd-numbered fiscal year and will receive a full review by the County Council. The Superintendent's Recommended FY 2011 Capital Budget and FY 2011-2016 CIP provides the recommended appropriation authority for funds needed to implement CIP projects during FY 2011 and the expenditure schedule for FY 2011-2016 CIP. This document contains the following sections. Chapter 1, "The Recommended FY 2011 Capital Budget and FY 2011-2016 Capital Improvements Program (CIP)," is a review of the major factors that have influenced the development of recommended projects to the FY 2011 Capital Budget and the FY 2011-2016 CIP. This chapter includes a table summarizing the recommended FY 2011-2016 CIP. Chapter 2, "The Planning Environment," describes the demographic, economic, and enrollment trends in Montgomery County that form the context for reviewing facility plans and addressing long-range system needs. Chapter 3, "Facility Planning Objectives," outlines six facility planning objectives that guide the school system as it moves to accommodate enrollment growth and program changes. The objectives are discussed and placed in the context of the recommended CIP actions. Chapter 4, "Recommended Actions and Planning Issues," is arranged by high school cluster and high school consortium. This chapter provides maps depicting school boundaries and locations, a bar graph that indicates school utilization within each cluster, tables with enrollment projections, school demographic profiles, building room use, capacity data, and other facility information. Planning issues are identified, and adopted actions and recommended actions to this CIP are discussed. Chapter 5, "Countywide Projects," provides a brief summary description of the CIP projects that are programmed to meet the needs of many schools across the county. These projects involve multiyear plans with different schools scheduled each year. (Referred to as countywide projects) Several appendices, at the end of the document, contain information on a variety of topics including enrollment information, state-rated capacities, Board of Education policies, modernization schedules, available school sites, closed schools and their current use, and relocatable classroom placements. Also included are maps for identifying Board of Education, council manic, and legislative election districts. [This report was published by the Office of Communications and Family Outreach for the Department of Facilities Management and the Division of Long-range Planning. For "Superintendent's Recommended FY 2009 Capital Budget and the FY 2009-2014 Capital Improvements Program," see ED557694.].