The Under-ice Dynamics of High Arctic Lakes

Book Description

Even the world’s most northern ecosystems have been affected by climate warming and High Arctic lakes are no exception. Ellesmere Island is at the northernmost limit of Canada, and regime shifts have already been documented in its lakes towards taxa associated with longer growing seasons. It has been projected that the northern coast of Ellesmere Island is within a region that will experience the greatest annual warming in the Arctic over the next 80 years, and so understanding the functioning of its sensitive coastal lakes is critical before further changes occur. I studied a series of four lakes in Stuckberry Valley (82o54 N, 66o58 W) to give insight into their under-ice phytoplankton dynamics. My objectives were 1) identify and quantify the photosynthetic communities found in the Stuckberry Valley lakes, 2) determine the physicochemical variables that exerted the strongest control over within- and between-lake community variation, and 3) expand the understanding of under-ice High Arctic freshwater ecosystems and their function. Light intensities and DO concentrations exerted primary control over the distribution and abundance of photosynthetic organisms, in addition to important roles played by specific conductivity and nitrogen. These variables clearly distinguished two deep, oxic lakes from two shallow, anoxic lakes. Differences in photosynthetic community types between lakes and depths was strongly linked to DO concentrations: the red pigment algal line dominated in oxic waters, while purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) were found in anoxic zones. Pigments indicated that dinoflagellates, cryptophytes, and haptophytes were abundant throughout all four lakes, with lower concentrations of chrysophyte and chlorophyte pigments. My thesis represents one of the very few studies of High Arctic under-ice photosynthetic communities, and it significantly advances our understanding of ecological processes in this highly sensitive region.

High-Arctic Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Climate

Book Description

High-Arctic Ecosystem Dynamics in a Changing Climate is based on data collected during the past 10 years by Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations (ZERO) at Zackenberg Research Station in Northeast Greenland. This volume covers the function of Arctic ecosystems based on the most comprehensive long-term data set in the world from a well-defined Arctic ecosystem. Editors offer a comprehensive and authoritative analysis of how climate variability is influencing an Arctic ecosystem and how the Arctic ecosystems have inherent feedback mechanisms interacting with climate variability or change. The latest research on the functioning of Arctic ecosystems Supplements current books on arctic climate impact assessment as a case study for ecological specialists Discusses the complex perpetuating effects on Earth Vital information on modeling ecosystem responses to understand future climates

Polar Lakes and Rivers

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This book provides an overview of the ecology of high latitude lakes, rivers and glacial environments in both the North and South polar regions. It describes each ecosystem type, the remarkable aquatic life that thrives in these extreme habitats, and the similarities and differences between Arctic and Antarctic waters.

Spaceborne Monitoring of Arctic Lake Ice in a Changing Climate

Book Description

Lake ice phenology (timing of ice-on and ice-off) and thickness are changing in response to generally warmer climate conditions at high northern latitudes observed during recent decades. Monitoring changes in the lake ice cover provides valuable evidence in assessing climate variability in the Arctic. To enhance our understanding of the role of lake ice in the Arctic cryosphere and to evaluate the extent to which Arctic lakes have been impacted by the contemporary changing climate, development of a lake ice monitoring system at pan-Arctic scale is needed. While large lakes across the Arctic are currently being monitored through satellite observations, there are extremely sparse and mostly non-existent records tracking the changes in small high-latitude lakes. Employing a combination of spaceborne observations from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and optical sensors, and simulations from the Canadian Lake Ice Model (CLIMo), this researched aimed to investigate changes in winter ice growth and ice phenology of lakes across the Arctic, focus being given to smaller lakes on the North Slope of Alaska (NSA) and lakes of various sizes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (CAA). To determine the changes in the fraction of lakes that freeze to bed (grounded ice) in late winter on the NSA from 1991 to 2011, a time series of ERS-1/2 was analysed. Results show a trend toward increasing floating ice fractions from 1991 to 2011, with the greatest change occurring in April, when the grounded ice fraction declined by 22% ([alpha] = 0.01). This finding is in good agreement with the decrease in ice thickness simulated with CLIMo, a lower fraction of lakes frozen to the bed corresponding to a thinner ice cover. Model simulations over the same period as SAR acquisitions (1991-2011) indicate a trend toward thinner ice covers by 18-22 cm (no-snow and 53% snow depth scenarios, [alpha] = 0.01). The results emphasize the regime shifts that these lakes are currently undergoing, including shorter ice seasons. The longer-term trends (1950-2011) derived from model simulations show a decrease in the ice cover duration by ~ 24 days consequent to later freeze-up dates by 5.9 days ([alpha] = 0.1) and earlier break-up dates by 17.7-18.6 days ([alpha] = 0.001). The temporal evolution of backscatter ([sigma]0) from two C-band SAR sensors - Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) Wide Swath and RADARSAT-2 ScanSAR Wide Swath - was then used to investigate the potential of high temporal-frequency SAR for determining lake ice phenological events (e.g. freeze onset, melt onset and water-clear-of-ice). Results show that combined SAR observations are generally suitable for detection of important lake ice events timing. However, the wide range of incidence angles and to a certain extent the orbit differences between the observations, the wind effect, particularly during fall freeze-up, the low differences in [sigma]0 during transition from a grounded-ice cover to melt onset of ice in early spring, complicate the detection of lake ice phenological events. In order to order to document the response of ice cover of lakes in the Canadian High Arctic to climate conditions during recent years, a 15-year time series (1997-2011) of RADARSAT-1/2 ScanSAR Wide Swath, ASAR Wide Swath and Landsat acquisitions were analyzed. Results show that earlier melt onset occurred earlier for all 11 polar-desert and polar-oasis lakes that were investigated. With the exception of Lower Murray Lake, all lakes experienced earlier ice-minimum and water-clear-of-ice dates, with greater changes being observed for polar-oasis lakes (9-23.6 days earlier water-clear-of-ice for lakes located in polar oases and 1.6-20 days earlier water-clear-of-ice for polar-desert lakes). Additionally, results suggest that some lakes may be transitioning from a perennial to a seasonal ice regime, with only a few lakes maintaining a perennial ice cover on occasional years. Aside Lake Hazen and Murray Lakes that preserved their ice cover during the summer of 2009, no residual ice was observed on any of the other lakes from 2007 to 2011. This research provides the foundation of a lake-ice monitoring network that can be built on with the newly launched and future SAR and multispectral missions. Additionally, this study shows that in response to warmer climate conditions, Arctic lakes are experiencing regime shifts with overall shorter ice seasons, thinner ice covers, fewer lakes that freeze to the bottom and more lakes that lose the perennial ice cover and experience a seasonal ice regime.

Advancing Knowledge of Arctic Lake System Dynamics: a Data-driven Perspective on Spatiotemporal Patterns

Book Description

Ecosystems play a pivotal role in addressing climate change but are also highly susceptible to drastic environmental changes. Investigating their historical dynamics can enhance our understanding of how they might respond to unprecedented future environmental shifts. With Arctic lakes currently under substantial pressure from climate change, lessons from the past can guide our understanding of potential disruptions to these lakes. However, individual lake systems are multifaceted and complex. Traditional isolated lake studies often fail to provide a global perspective because localized nuances--like individual lake parameters, catchment areas, and lake histories--can overshadow broader conclusions. In light of these complexities, a more nuanced approach is essential to analyze lake systems in a global context. 8A key to addressing this challenge lies in the data-driven analysis of sedimentological records from various northern lake systems. This dissertation emphasizes lake systems in the northern Eurasian region, particularly in Russia ...

Freezing of Lakes and the Evolution of Their Ice Cover

Book Description

This book updates the first edition for the status of knowledge in the physics of lake ice and the interactions between the ice cover and the liquid water underneath. Since the first edition was written in 2013, there has been a lot of progress in the field, in particular concerning environmental questions and the impact of climate change. Life conditions in ice-covered lakes and practical matters are now brought more into the picture so that the revision also properly serves as a handbook for applications. The author has worked widely with boreal lakes, polar lakes and Central Asian lakes that provides a wide geographical spectrum. Chapter 1 gives a brief overview and presents the research fields. The second chapter contains the classification of ice-covered lakes and observation techniques, especially remote sensing. In Chapter 3, the structure and properties of lake ice are presented including optics and geochemistry. Ice growth and melting are treated in Chapter 4, while the following chapter focuses on ice mechanics with applications to traffic on ice and ice loads. Chapter 6 goes into the exotic environment of pro-glacial lakes. Chapter 7 contains the stratification and circulation of the water body beneath lake ice, Chapter 8 presents the winter ecology of freezing lakes and discusses the lake ice interface toward the society, and Chapter 9 summarizes the climate change impact on lake ice seasons. The book ends into a brief closing chapter and list of references. Research problems for student learning are listed throughout the book. Annexes are included to provide numerical data of constants and standard formulae to help practical calculations and student tasks. Lake ice closely interacts with human living conditions, but people have learnt to live with that and to utilize the ice. In the present time this is true for on-ice traffic and recreation activities. Ice fishing has become a widely enjoyed hobby, and winter sports such as skiing, skating, and ice sailing are popular activities on frozen lakes. The lake ice response to eventual climate warming would appear as a shortening of the ice season due to the increasing air temperature and also as changing of the quality of the ice seasons via changes in ice thickness and structure. The book gives the whole story of lake ice into a single volume. The second, revised edition updates the content based on recent progress in winter limnology and ice physics research and applications. The author has contributed to lake ice research since the 1980s. In particular, his topics have been lake ice structure and thermodynamics, light transfer in ice and snow, ice mechanics in large lakes, and lake ice climatology. Mathematical modeling of ice growth, drift, and decay are covered in this research.

Marine Research

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Polar Lakes and Rivers

Book Description

This is the first book to describe the ecology of high latitude lakes, rivers and glacial environments in both the North and South polar regions. From the lake-rich floodplains of the Arctic to the deep, enigmatic waters of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, these regions contain some of the most extraordinary aquatic ecosystems on Earth. They provide a fascinating diversity of habitats for plant, animal and microbial communities, and are proving to be valuable model systems for exploring many ecological themes including landscape-lake interactions, adaptation of life to environmental extremes, and controls on the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems. Some of these waters also have direct global implications, including permafrost thaw lakes as sources of greenhouse gases, subglacial aquatic environments as a storehouse of ancient microbes, and Arctic rivers as major inputs of freshwater and organic carbon to the World Ocean. Given that many polar areas are experiencing greater climate warming than at lower latitudes, these ecosystems can also be viewed as sentinels of global change. This timely volume brings together many of the world's leading researchers in polar limnology to describe these diverse aquatic environments and their ecology. It introduces each major ecosystem type, examines the similarities and differences between Arctic and Antarctic systems as well as their responses to environmental change, and describes new frontiers for future research. A glossary of terms is provided for non-specialists, and a set of colour plates introduces the ecosystems and their biota. Polar Lakes and Rivers will be of value to students and specialist researchers alike, as well as to those with a more general interest in aquatic ecology, polar environments or global change who require an authoritative overview of this fast emerging topic.

The Arctic in the Anthropocene

Book Description

Once ice-bound, difficult to access, and largely ignored by the rest of the world, the Arctic is now front and center in the midst of many important questions facing the world today. Our daily weather, what we eat, and coastal flooding are all interconnected with the future of the Arctic. The year 2012 was an astounding year for Arctic change. The summer sea ice volume smashed previous records, losing approximately 75 percent of its value since 1980 and half of its areal coverage. Multiple records were also broken when 97 percent of Greenland's surface experienced melt conditions in 2012, the largest melt extent in the satellite era. Receding ice caps in Arctic Canada are now exposing land surfaces that have been continuously ice covered for more than 40,000 years. What happens in the Arctic has far-reaching implications around the world. Loss of snow and ice exacerbates climate change and is the largest contributor to expected global sea level rise during the next century. Ten percent of the world's fish catches comes from Arctic and sub-Arctic waters. The U.S. Geological Survey estimated that up to 13 percent of the world's remaining oil reserves are in the Arctic. The geologic history of the Arctic may hold vital clues about massive volcanic eruptions and the consequent release of massive amount of coal fly ash that is thought to have caused mass extinctions in the distant past. How will these changes affect the rest of Earth? What research should we invest in to best understand this previously hidden land, manage impacts of change on Arctic communities, and cooperate with researchers from other nations? The Arctic in the Anthropocene reviews research questions previously identified by Arctic researchers, and then highlights the new questions that have emerged in the wake of and expectation of further rapid Arctic change, as well as new capabilities to address them. This report is meant to guide future directions in U.S. Arctic research so that research is targeted on critical scientific and societal questions and conducted as effectively as possible. The Arctic in the Anthropocene identifies both a disciplinary and a cross-cutting research strategy for the next 10 to 20 years, and evaluates infrastructure needs and collaboration opportunities. The climate, biology, and society in the Arctic are changing in rapid, complex, and interactive ways. Understanding the Arctic system has never been more critical; thus, Arctic research has never been more important. This report will be a resource for institutions, funders, policy makers, and students. Written in an engaging style, The Arctic in the Anthropocene paints a picture of one of the last unknown places on this planet, and communicates the excitement and importance of the discoveries and challenges that lie ahead.