3rd Refinement Workshop

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6th Refinement Workshop

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The Sixth Refinement Workshop took place at City University in London from 5th to 7th January 1994. The present volume includes all of the papers which were submitted and accepted for presentation, together with two papers by invited speakers. The workshops in the series have generally occurred at one year intervals but in this last case a two year period had elapsed. These workshops have established themselves as an important event in the calendar for all those who are interested in progress in the underlying theory of refinement and in the take-up by industry of the methods supported by that theory. One of the proposed themes of the sixth workshop was the reporting of successful adoption in industry of rigorous software development methods. The programme committee was perhaps slightly disappointed by the response from industry to the call in this respect. However, the recent period could be characterised as one of consolidation, when those companies which have made the decision that formal development methods are important to their business have been adopting them where appropriate and finding them to be worthwhile. On the other hand,. the difficult economic climate which exists in most parts of the developed world is perhaps not the context within which companies still dubious about the benefits are goil'\g to opt for making major changes in their working practices.

4th Refinement Workshop

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This volume contains the proceedings ofthe 4th Refinement Workshop which was organised by the British Computer Society specialist group in Formal Aspects of Computing Science and held in Wolfson College, Cambridge, on 9-11 January, 1991. The term refinement embraces the theory and practice of using formal methods for specifying and implementing hardware and software. Most of the achievements to date in the field have been in developing the theoretical framework for mathematical approaches to programming, and on the practical side in formally specifying software, while more recently we have seen the development of practical approaches to deriving programs from their speCifications. The workshop gives a fair picture of the state of the art: it presents new theories for reasoning about software and hardware and case studies in applying known theory to interesting small-and medium-scale problems. We hope the book will be Of interest both to researchers in formal methods, and to software engineers in industry who want to keep abreast of possible applications of formal methods in industry. The programme consisted both of invited talks and refereed papers. The invited speakers were Ib S0rensen, Jean-Raymond Abrial, Donald MacKenzie, Ralph Back, Robert Milne, Mike Read, Mike Gordon, and Robert Worden who gave the introductory talk. This is the first refinement workshop that solicited papers for refereeing, and despite a rather late call for papers the response was excellent.

Third Refinement Workshop

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5th Refinement Workshop

Book Description

Refinement is the term used to describe systematic and formal methods of specifying hard- and software and transforming the specifications into designs and implementations. The value of formal methods in producing reliable hard- and software is widely appreciated by academics and workers in industry, despite the fact that certain research areas, such as the application to industrial-scale problems, are still in their infancy. This volume contains the papers presented at the 5th Refinement Workshop held in London, 8-10 January 1992. Its theme was the theory and practice of software specifications, which is the transformation of formal software specifications into more correct specifications, designs and codes. This has been an important area of research for the last 5 years and the workshop addressed specific issues and problems related to it. Among the topics discussed in this volume are: the role of refinement in software development, parallel designs and implementations, methods and tools for verification of critical properties, refinement and confidentiality, concurrent processes as objects, the compliance of Ada programs with Z specifications and a tactic driven refinement tool. This is the latest refinement workshop proceedings to be published in the Workshops in Computing series (the 3rd and 4th workshops having appeared in 1990 and 1991 respectively). It will be of interest to academic and industrial researchers, postgraduate students and research-oriented developers in the computer industry.

IV Higher Order Workshop, Banff 1990

Book Description

It is many years since Landin, Burge and others showed us how to apply higher order techniques and thus laid some foundations for modern functional programming. The advantage of higher order descriptions - that they can be very succinct and clear - has been percolating through ever since. Current research topics range from the design, implementation and use of higher order proof assistants and theorem provers, through program specification and verification, and programming language design, to its applications in hardware description and verification. The papers in this book represent the presentations made at a workshop held at Banff, Canada, September 10-14 1990 and organised by the Computer Science Department of the University of Calgary. The workshop gathered together researchers interested in applying higher order techniques to a range of problems. The workshop format had a few (but fairly long) presentations per day. This left ample time for healthy discussion and argument, many of which continued on into the small hours. With so much to choose from, the program had to be selective. This year's workshop was divided into five parts: 1. Expressing and reasoning about concurrency: Warren Burton and Ken Jackson, John Hughes, and Faron Moller. 2. Reasoning about synchronous circuits: Geraint Jones and Mary Sheeran (with a bonus on the fast Fourier transform from Geraint). 3. Reasoning about asynchronous circuits: Albert Camilleri, Jo Ebergen, and Martin Rem. 4. Categorical concepts for programming languages: Robin Cockett, Barry Jay, and Andy Pitts.

Rules in Database Systems

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This book is the proceedings of a workshop held at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh in August 1993. The central theme of the workshop was rules in database systems, and the papers presented covered a range of different aspects of database rule systems. These aspects are reflected in the sessions of the workshop, which are the same as the sections in this proceedings: Active Databases Architectures Incorporating Temporal Rules Rules and Transactions Analysis and Debugging of Active Rules Integrating Graphs/Objects with Deduction Integrating Deductive and Active Rules Integrity Constraints Deductive Databases The incorporation of rules into database systems is an important area of research, as it is a major component in the integration of behavioural information with the structural data with which commercial databases have traditionally been associated. This integration of the behavioural aspects of an application with the data to which it applies in database systems leads to more straightforward application development and more efficient processing of data. Many novel applications seem to need database systems in which structural and behavioural information are fully integrated. Rules are only one means of expressing behavioural information, but it is clear that different types of rule can be used to capture directly different properties of an application which are cumbersome to support using conventional database architectures. In recent years there has been a surge of research activity focusing upon active database systems, and this volume opens with a collection of papers devoted specifically to this topic.

Designing Correct Circuits

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These proceedings contain the papers presented at a workshop on Designing Correct Circuits, jointly organised by the Universities of Oxford and Glasgow, and held in Oxford on 26-28 September 1990. There is a growing interest in the application to hardware design of the techniques of software engineering. As the complexity of hardware systems grows, and as the cost both in money and time of making design errors becomes more apparent, so there is an eagerness to build on the success of mathematical techniques in program develop ment. The harsher constraints on hardware designers mean both that there is a greater need for good abstractions and rigorous assurances of the trustworthyness of designs, and also that there is greater reason to expect that these benefits can be realised. The papers presented at this workshop consider the application of mathematics to hardware design at several different levels of abstraction. At the lowest level of this spectrum, Zhou and Hoare show how to describe and reason about synchronous switching circuits using UNilY, a formalism that was developed for reasoning about parallel programs. Aagaard and Leeser use standard mathematical tech niques to prove correct their implementation of an algorithm for Boolean simplification. The circuits generated by their formal synthesis system are thus correct by construction. Thuau and Pilaud show how the declarative language LUSTRE, which was designed for program ming real-time systems, can be used to specify synchronous circuits.

Z User Workshop, Oxford 1990

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