Cost-Benefit Analysis for Investment Decisions

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This is textbook for university students and a manual for professionals. It gives an in-depth treatment of the theory and application of Cost-Benefit Analysis, using an integrated approach where the financial, economic, stakeholder and risk analyses are carried out in a single integrated project model. Fully developed case examples are presented for both public and public private partnership investment expenditures.

International Trade in Services

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The services sector is key to economic growth, competitiveness, and poverty alleviation. Comprising more than two-thirds of the world economy, services are now commonly traded across borders, helped by technological progress and the increased mobility of persons. In recent years, a number of developing countries have looked at trade in services as a means to both respond to domestic supply shortages and to diversify and boost exports. Any country can tap into the trade potential of services, but not every country can become a services hub across sectors. The opening of the services sector potentially comes with large benefits, but also fears and costs that should not be overlooked. This book provides useful guidelines for the assessment of a country s trade potential, and a roadmap for successful opening and export promotion in select services sectors. It looks at both the effects of increased imports and exports, and provides concrete examples of developing country approaches that have either succeeded or failed to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of opening. It focuses on sectors that have been rarely analyzed through the trade lens, and/or have a fast growing trade potential for developing countries. These sectors are: accounting, construction, distribution, engineering, environmental, health, information technology, and legal services. This book is designed for non-trade specialists to understand how trade can help improve access to key services in developing countries, and for trade specialists to understand the specific characteristics of each individual sector. It will be a useful tool for governments to design successful trade opening or promotion strategies, and for the private sector and consumers to advocate sound domestic policy reforms accompanying an offensive trade agenda.

Traded and Non-traded Services

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The service sector is steadily growing as services that previously were undertaken within the family unit, now show up in social accounts as health care, education and public sector services. Technological changes make possible a process of intermediation in service activities, a separation in space or time of the recipient of services from the original producer, and the increase of v̀alue-added' services. This conference met to discuss implications of the growing service sector, with the larger goal of identifying frameworks for policies to support an efficient and expanding system for production and exchange of services domestically and internationally.

A Handbook of International Trade in Services

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This title provides a comprehensive introduction to the key issues in trade and liberalization of services. Providing a useful overview of the players involved, the barriers to trade, and case studies in a number of service industries, this is ideal for policymakers and students interested in trade.

Global Trade in Services

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He finds that, in spite of US comparative advantage in service activities, service firms' export participation lags manufacturing firms. Jensen evaluates the impediments to services trade and finds evidence that there is considerable room for liberalization-especially among the large, fast-growing developing economies. The policy recommendations coming out of this path-breaking study are quite clear. The United States should not fear trade in services. It should be pushing aggressively for services trade liberalization. Because other advanced economies have similar comparative advantage in service, the United States should make common cause with the European Union and other advanced economies to encourage the large, fast-growing developing economies to liberalize their service sectors through multilateral negotiations in the General Agreement on Trade in Services and the Government Procurement Agreement.

The Level of Productivity in Traded and Non-Traded Sectors for a Large Panel of Countries

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This paper explains in detail the construction of series for productivity in the traded and nontraded sectors for a panel of 56 countries spanning 1989–2012. The level of productivity in each sector is defined as real value added per worker in constant 2005 Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) U.S. dollars. To construct these series, we collect industry-level data from several sources, and classify individual industries as traded/non-traded using their ratio of exports to value added. Finally, we aggregate the industry data up to a traded sector and a non-traded sector, accordingly. This new dataset has two main advantages relative to existing datasets: (i) it defines more finely the traded/non-traded sectors, by drawing on much more disaggregated industry source data; and (ii) it allows for meaningful comparisons of the level of productivity across countries/sectors because sectoral productivity is adjusted by its own price level.

U.s. Trade in Services

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"Services" refers to a growing range of economic activities, such as audiovisual; construction; computer and related services; energy; express delivery; e-commerce; financial; professional (such as accounting and legal services); retail and wholesaling; transportation; tourism; and telecommunications. Services have become an important priority in U.S. trade flows and trade policy and of global trade in general, accounting for 752.4 billion Dollars of U.S. exports and 82 percent of U.S. private sector jobs. The types and volume of services that can be traded, however, are limited by their intangibility (as compared to goods), the requirement for direct buyer-provider contact, and other unique characteristics. The Administration is engaged in discussions on potential and existing trade agreements that include services as a significant component. For each agreement, Congress may consider legislation to implement the agreements in the future. The United States is the world's largest exporter of services (14 percent of the global total in 2015) and the largest importer (10 percent of the global total in 2015). Rapid advances in information technology and the related growth of global value and supply chains have reduced barriers to trade in services, making an expanding range of services tradable across national borders. A number of economists have argued that "behind the border" barriers imposed by foreign governments prevent U.S. trade in services from expanding to their full potential. The United States continues to negotiate trade agreements to lower these barriers. It has been a leading force in doing so under the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) in the World Trade Organization (WTO) and in free trade agreements, all of which contain significant provisions on market access and rules for liberalizing trade in services. The United States is currently at different stages with multiple trade agreements that include trade in services: -Renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico; -Potential continued negotiation of the Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a plurilateral agreement outside of the WTO with 22 other countries; -Potential continued negotiation of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) free trade agreement with the European Union (EU), which would cover the world's two largest providers of and traders in services; and -Potential new and updated bilateral free trade agreements with other partners. In each case, participants have difficult issues to address and the outlook for progress is uncertain. One issue is whether bilateral, regional, and plurilateral agreements would support or undermine the pursuit of a more extensive, multilateral agreement in the GATS. Congress and U.S. trade negotiators face other issues, including how to balance the need for effective regulations with the objective of opening markets for U.S. exports and trade in services; ensuring adequate and accurate data to measure trade in services to better inform trade policy; and determining whether further international cooperation efforts are needed to improve the regulatory environment for services trade beyond initial market access. This report provides background information and analysis on these and other emerging issues and U.S. international trade in services, in general. In addition, it examines existing and potential agreements, NAFTA, TiSA, and T-TIP, as they relate to services trade.

Handbook of Deep Trade Agreements

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Deep trade agreements (DTAs) cover not just trade but additional policy areas, such as international flows of investment and labor and the protection of intellectual property rights and the environment. Their goal is integration beyond trade or deep integration. These agreements matter for economic development. Their rules influence how countries (and hence, the people and firms that live and operate within them) transact, invest, work, and ultimately, develop. Trade and investment regimes determine the extent of economic integration, competition rules affect economic efficiency, intellectual property rights matter for innovation, and environmental and labor rules contribute to environmental and social outcomes. This Handbook provides the tools and data needed to analyze these new dimensions of integration and to assess the content and consequences of DTAs. The Handbook and the accompanying database are the result of collaboration between experts in different policy areas from academia and other international organizations, including the International Trade Centre (ITC), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and World Trade Organization (WTO).

Liberalizing Service Trade

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A major success of the early post-war period was the negotiated reduction of barriers to international trade in commodities and manufactured goods, under the auspices of the GATT. The current challenge is to achieve a similar liberalization for trade in services - the sector which has overtaken manufacturing as the largest provider of jobs and growth in the advanced economies. The difficulties are legion. Data are scarce and definitions are contentious. There is no clear equivalent in services of the zero-tariff objective that can be defined in the trade of goods. Domestic service markets are often imperfect and each country has its own regulatory structure to protect consumers. Many developing countries are sceptical about the effects of freer service trade on their economies. This paper develops an analytical framework to clarify negotiating objectives. It assesses the European Community's approach to liberalization and warns of the dangers of seeking 'equivalent reciprocity'. It suggests that a different approach and set of objectives are appropriate to the GATT, which lacks well-defined procedures for policy review and settlement of disputes, and whose members are more diverse. Finally, it evaluates the prospects for multilateral service liberalization in the Uruguay Round and in the EC by 1992, and suggests that such efforts can be complemented by unilateral and bilateral liberalization in certain service sectors.

International Trade in Services and Intangibles in the Era of Globalization

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Quantitative measures of international exchange have historically focused on trade in tangible products or capital. However, services have recently become a larger portion of developed economies and international trade, and will only increase in the future. In International Trade in Services and Intangibles in the Era of Globalization, Marshall Reinsdorf and Matthew J. Slaughter examine new and emerging patterns of trade, especially the growing importance of transactions involving services or intangible assets such as intellectual property. A distinguished team of contributors analyzes the challenges involved in measuring trade in intangibles, the comparative advantages enjoyed by United States service industries, and the heightened international competition for jobs, capital investment, economic growth, and tax revenue that results from trade in services. This comprehensive volume will be necessary reading for scholars seeking to understand the rapidly changing global economy.