A Caribbean Forest Tapestry

Book Description

Global change threatens ecosystems worldwide, and tropical systems with their high diversity and rapid development are of special concern. We can mitigate the impacts of change if we understand how tropical ecosystems respond to disturbance. For tropical forests and streams in Puerto Rico this book describes the impacts of, and recovery from, hurricanes, landslides, floods, droughts, and human disturbances in the Luquillo Mountains of Puerto Rico. These ecosystems recover quickly after natural disturbances, having been shaped over thousands of years by such events. Human disturbance, however, has longer-lasting impacts. Chapters are by authors with many years of experience in Puerto Rico and other tropical areas and cover the history of research in these mountains, a framework for understanding disturbance and response, the environmental setting, the disturbance regime, response to disturbance, biotic mechanisms of response, management implications, and future directions. The text provides a strong perspective on tropical ecosystem dynamics over multiple scales of time and space.

Sustainable management of logged tropical forests in the Caribbean to ensure long-term productivity

Book Description

To facilitate sustainable management of logged forests in the Caribbean, forest authorities of Belize, Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, jointly with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the University of Hamburg as a scientific partner, implemented the regional project “Ensuring Long-Term Productivity of Lowland Tropical Forests in the Caribbean” financed by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture. The main objective of the project was to support the sustainable management of logged forests to maintain productivity and prevent further degradation. For this purpose, extensive field studies were conducted in the project countries, which resulted in silvicultural recommendations presented in this publication. The project findings revealed that the application of general sustainable forest management protocols for tropical production forests that set limits on harvesting does not necessarily ensure sustained productivity if the composition and management of the residual stand are not considered. The ratio of the number of harvested trees to the remaining future crop trees can provide a simple indicator of the sustainability of harvest. If the current harvest exceeds the number of future crop trees, the harvest is not sustainable. As a rule of thumb, at least one, preferably two future crop trees per harvested tree should be retained for future use. Protection of future crop trees can be a simple and practical approach to prevent high grading and degradation of the forest growing stock. The importance of reduced impact logging to reduce unnecessary damage to the future crop trees and for sustainable forest management, in general, is stressed.

A Caribbean Forest Tapestry

Book Description

This book explains how to foresee and manage ecosystem changes in the Luquillo Mountains in Puerto Rico, by looking at underlying causes and effects. The lessons from the abiotic and biotic environments, populations, and ecosystems in this region apply to analogous forest biomes in Central and South America, as well as around the world.

The World's Tropical Forests

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The Trees of El Yunque

Book Description

This book is the end product of ten years of exploration that began with a series of three small guide-books written to help El Yunque National Forest visitors to discover and identify some of the forest's many ecological marvels. These small reference books included descriptions of 57 individual tree species. Between 2010 and 2012, a monthly El Yunquer NF website feature 'Endemic Plant Facts' amassed an additonal 26 indigenous tree descriptions. Combining this significant collection of 83 specific portrayals (accompanied by full-color photos and illustrations) into a single, portable guide-book, similar to its predecessor 'The Animals of El Yunque', that would fit easily into a jacket-pocket or book-bag, and available as an 'e-book' and 'Smartphone App' seemed like a sensible idea. The end result, 'The Trees of El Yunque' is a 'pictorial natural history' - it is not a comprehensive listing of every species of flora that occurs in El Yunque - instead, it is an effort to present a discrete selection of trees that forest visitors might encounter and thus wish to identify while experiencing El Yunque's unique and exhilarating surroundings. Tropical forest enthusiasts and natural history 'buffs' should also be fascinated to discover the immense diversity of the flora described and pictured on these pages - all of which thrive in El Yunque; America's only tropical rainforest...

The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests

Book Description

This final volume in the The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests covers the Americas. It provides an up-to-date overview of the status of rain forests in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean. Following the format of the two previous volumes The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests: Asia and the Pacific (1991) and The Conservation Atlas of Tropical Forests: Africa (1992), the atlas is divided into two parts. Part I introduces and discusses the complex interrelated issues in the regions that are involved in both deforestation as well as conservation of the tropical forests. Included are discussions on the history of the forests, agricultural colonization policies and deforestation, conservation polices for plants and wildlife, protected areas, and the future of the tropical forests. Part II is a detailed and well referenced country-by-country analysis of conservation status and trends. Four-colour maps have been compiled from satellite and radar imagery, aerial photography, and the latest information provided by forestry departments and development agencies.

Tropical Forests: Management and Ecology

Book Description

Forestry professors used to remind students that, whereas physicians bury their mistakes, foresters die before theirs are noticed. But good institutions live longer than the scientists who contribute to building them, and the half-century of work of the USDA Forest Service's Institute of Tropical Forestry (ITF) is in plain view: an unprecedented corpus of accomplishments that would instill pride in any organization. There is scarcely anyone interested in current issues of tropical forestry who would not benefit from a refresher course in ITF's findings: its early collaboration with farmers to establish plantations, its successes in what we now call social forestry, its continuous improvement of nursery practices, its screening trials of native species, its development of wood-processing technologies appropriate for developing countries, its thorough analysis of tropical forest function, and its holistic approach toward conservation of endangered species. Fortunately, ITF has a long history of information exchange through teaching; like many others, I got my own start in tropical forest ecology fromjust such a course in Puerto Rico. And long before politicians recognized the global importance of tropical forestry, the ITF staff served actively as ambassadors of the discipline, visiting tropical coun tries everywhere to learn and, when invited to do so, to help solve local problems. It is a general principle of biogeography that species' turnover rates on islands are higher than those on continents. Inevitably, the same is true of scientists assigned to work on islands.