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This paper discusses Ukraine’s 2013 Article IV Consultation and First Post-Program Monitoring. The Ukrainian economy has been in recession since mid-2012, and the outlook remains challenging. In January–September 2013, GDP contracted by 11⁄4 percent year-over-year, reflecting lower demand for Ukrainian exports and falling investments. Consumer prices stayed flat, held down by decreasing food prices and tight monetary policy. The fiscal stance loosened in 2012–2013, contributing to the buildup of vulnerabilities. Ukraine remains current on all its payments to the IMF, and the authorities have reaffirmed their commitment to repay all outstanding IMF credit.


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Following the 2008/9 financial crisis and deep recession, a cyclical recovery took hold in Ukraine, supported by a stronger external environment. Efforts to consolidate public finances and repair the banking system began strengthening Ukraine’s resilience to external shocks. More recently, policies have not been sufficient to meet key objectives, and the government has hesitated to undertake politically unpopular reforms. The external environment has become less supportive, and the recovery is losing momentum.


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Russia’s war in Ukraine continues to have a devastating economic and humanitarian impact. The frontlines remain stalled as combat continues in eastern and southern Ukraine. Russia quit the Black Sea Grain Initiative (BSGI) in July and has stepped up attacks on Ukraine’s port infrastructure. The war is severely impacting human and physical capital, with large-scale loss of life, drop in living standards, rise in poverty, and damage to infrastructure. Despite the resilience of the Ukrainian people and the authorities’ skillful policymaking to maintain macroeconomic and financial stability, continuous external support is critical to help restore medium-term external viability, prepare the country for post-war recovery and reconstruction, and facilitate Ukraine’s path to EU accession for which the European Commission (EC) has recommended opening accession negotiations.


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This 2003 Article IV Consultation highlights that real GDP of Ukraine grew by more than 41⁄2 percent in 2002, marking the third year of Ukraine's economic expansion following the 1998/99 financial crisis. As in 2001, growth was not only supported by robust consumer spending, reflecting large wage increases, but also by an increase in net external demand. Consumer price inflation fell to near zero in 2002, reflecting primarily the good harvests in 2001/02 and the resulting sharp drop in food prices. Low inflation was also supported by a tightening of fiscal policy and delays in increasing administered prices.


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Following the 2014–15 crisis, the economy is growing again and tight fiscal and monetary policies have greatly reduced internal and external imbalances. Inflation has been successfully brought down and reserves—while still being relatively low—have doubled to US$15 billion. The pace of the recovery, however, has been modest, and faster growth is needed if Ukraine is to catch up with its regional peers and lift per capita income levels that have declined to among the lowest in the region.