Unlocking The Principles Of The Doctrine Of Christ

Book Description

Unlocking the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ is an excellent book educating us on the basics of our Christian foundation. These six principles uniquely represent something in particular, and when we have a face-to-face encounter with them, their discovery gives us untethered access into the presence of God where we are not only seeking Him, but He is seeking us.

The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

An easy-to-read exposition on the fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith as set forth in Hebrews 6:1-2. Chapters on Repentance from Dead Works, Faith Toward God, The Doctrine of Baptisms, The Laying On of Hands, The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment.

The Principles of the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

In the Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, the author has provided a Study Guide and commentary to encourage the understanding of the foundational tenets of Hebrews 6: 1 & 2 and facilitate their role in the believer's life. The Study Guide looks to transcend differences and promote an applied theology perspective to the subject. The goal is not to solicit conformity to a specific denominational creed, but to chart the growth events ahead for new believers, and that have been obfuscated in many seasoned Christians. The overall purpose is to articulate a clearly delineated path for the individual to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. It is the first in a series designed to orient new converts to a fruitful walk in the Lord, so that they build their faith according to the pattern revealed in the Scriptures.

Abiding in the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

Abiding in the Doctrine of Christ is a Bible-study book on the first principles of the word of God. It covers several topics, including scriptural authority, the new life in Christ, the church, and faithful service to the Lord, with review exercises at the end of each chapter. The book is a must have for babes in Christ who should crave the pure milk of the word to be grounded in the doctrine of Christ. It is written in a form that facilitates open-minded reasoning, even on long-held views. It is my belief that congregations should periodically provide fundamentals class to edify and equip brethrens for acceptable worship and service in the Lord. The book is ideal for individual studies and group Bible classes.

The Six Elementary Principles of the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

In addressing believers, the Amplified Classic version of the Bible refers to the six elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ as "matters of which you should have been fully aware long, long ago" (Hebrews 6:2). However, in our day, many have become fully unaware of these matters. This book was written to help ground all new believers and to stir and embolden older believers in the much-neglected foundational truths of God's Word. A structurally sound building is dependent on a properly set foundation. Likewise, a spiritually sound life depends on a proper foundation of God's Word, which should begin with the six elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ. They are: Repentance from dead works, faith toward God, the doctrine of baptisms, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. These foundational and eternal truths serve as a bulwark against spiritual deception that plagues multitudes of humans, keeping them blind, bound, and headed for destruction. No matter what is propagated by religion, academia, or "science" in these last days and perilous times, the six elementary principles of the doctrine of Christ, which is the infallible Word of Almighty God, shall never be prevailed against or pass away.

Abiding in the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

Abiding in the Doctrine of Christ is a Bible-study book on the first principles of the word of God. It covers several topics, including scriptural authority, the new life in Christ, the church, and faithful service to the Lord, with review exercises at the end of each chapter. The book is a must have for babes in Christ who should crave the pure milk of the word to be grounded in the doctrine of Christ. It is written in a form that facilitates open-minded reasoning, even on long-held views. It is my belief that congregations should periodically provide fundamentals class to edify and equip brethrens for acceptable worship and service in the Lord. The book is ideal for individual studies and group Bible classes.

Six Principles of the Doctrine of Christ

Book Description

When you think of the Six Principles of the Doctrine of Christ, think of foundation, building blocks, knowledge, understanding, wisdom. Think of revelatory truth. The success of this book since its first publication underscored a genuine appetite for deep and revelatory knowledge about the right division of the Word concerning the gospel of Jesus Christ. With numerous voices around the belief in baptism and infilling of the Holy Spirit, it is needful to have scriptural understanding of these subjects.

The Five Principles of the Gospel

Book Description

What are the basic principles of the Gospel that cannot be taken from Christ’s Gospel and make the Gospel not the Gospel? That is a very important question to answer, for, on a very basic level, what people believe in will determine where they will spend eternity. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is bound up in eternal realities that cannot be undone after death if people “get the Gospel wrong.” Do you believe the Gospel? This work sets down and summarizes the sum and substance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What is the sum and substance of the Gospel? How would you summarize it? Is it simply John 3:16? Is it what the penitent thief said to Jesus on the cross? What is the Scriptural data that shows forth enough of the “Gospel of Jesus Christ” to make it truly Christ’s Gospel? McMahon answers this question by drawing mainly from the book of Isaiah. The Gospel in its sum and substance, or the way God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, actually contains a great amount of information (the Bible is a very big book). However, in distilling the Gospel down to its essentials, he covers the five principles of the Gospel: Principle 1: God exists. Principle 2: that God is man’s Maker and has made humankind in his image. Principle 3: the bad news that all men have sinned in Adam and are under the curse of God. Principle 4: God has not left all sinners to perish under Adam’s curse, but has given sinners the righteousness of Jesus Christ as a garment to cover them. Principle 5: God calls and draws thirsty sinners to himself through Jesus Christ freely. His five main texts from Isaiah are 40:9, 54:5, 24:5-6, 61:10 and 55:1-3.