Le brevet, outil de la valorisation et de l'innovation

Book Description

La compétition internationale dans le domaine des sciences et des technologies, pilier de l'économie mondialisée, incite inévitablement à réfléchir sur les brevets d'invention, leur pratique et leur devenir. Depuis plus de 10 ans, l'Académie des sciences mène une réflexion sur les questions de propriété intellectuelle dans la recherche, ce qui l'a déjà conduite à organiser, avec l'Académie des sciences morales et politiques, cinq colloques sur ces questions, publiés dans la même collection. Le 5 juillet 2011, l'Académie des sciences et l'Académie des technologies se sont associées pour consacrer un nouveau colloque aux derniers développements du droit et de la pratique des brevets, en tant qu'outils de l'innovation et de la valorisation. Les actes de ce colloque sont consacrés dans un premier temps au droit positif des brevets d'invention et de leur valorisation. Dans un second temps, sont examinées les évolutions, positives ou négatives, que l'économie mondialisée risque de produire ou a déjà commencé de produire sur le droit actuel, de même que les réactions qu'elle suscite, ou devrait susciter, à tort ou à raison. Pour mener ces réflexions, les Académies ont fait appel aussi bien à des intervenants issus du monde de l'industrie qu'à des chercheurs et universitaires, mais également à des représentants de cabinets de brevets, de l'Office européen des brevets et de la Commission européenne. D'élément d'une stratégie d'entreprise à une stratégie d'État, le droit des brevets, souvent encore national, est confronté à cette économie mondialisée. De celle-ci découle également la multiplication des acteurs intervenant dans ce champ d'action traditionnellement restreint aux relations entre inventeurs et employeurs d'une part, brevetés et licenciés d'autre part. Le monopole accordé par le brevet est-il à remettre en cause ou doit-il être modifié du fait de cette évolution ? Autant de questions auxquelles le présent ouvrage contribue à répondre.

Valorisation Policies

Book Description

Climate, health and digitalisation are a key part of the Commission priorities. Research and innovation is a driving force that will support the transition towards a more sustainable society. The new EU Industrial policy reflects how the twin ecological and digital transitions will affect every part of our society and economy including industry. They will require new technologies, with investment and innovation to match. Europe produces one third of the world's scientific publications and the knowledge (intellectual property-IP) generated by research institutions and companies is integral to enabling this transition. Good IP management fosters innovation, creativity, knowledge sharing, and improves the chances of knowledge reaching the market and benefiting society faster. This calls for an efficient valorisation of research results through enhanced industry-academia collaboration.

European Perspectives on Innovation Management

Book Description

This book covers European perspectives on innovation management, including new product and service development, due to the inherent variety of socio-economic perspectives and institutional settings in Europe. The numerous settings and differing perspectives explored in the chapters exemplify diversity, which ultimately leads to enhancing innovation. Understanding such unique approaches will enable companies, universities and other actors to more effectively create innovative products and services, and policy makers to effectively stimulate growth and innovation. The fragmented, distributed economies in Europe also put a strong focus on internationalisation, including innovation management, new product and service development, even within the internally open market of the European Economic Area. European Perspectives on Innovation Management will be of help to researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, practitioners and students working on innovation management and practices embedded in national and regional innovation systems, thus fostering a more innovative Europe.

A Chance for European Universities,

Book Description

Though Europe’s universities are very well represented among the world’s top 200 universities, they are almost entirely absent from the top fifty. In this impassioned book, Jo Ritzen argues that European universities are economically, culturally, and socially underexploited, and he outlines a series of changes necessary to make these institutions more successful. He advocates reorganizing universities to favor innovation over bureaucracy, securing financing from private sources to meet the gaps left by public budget cuts, and matching and selecting students with an eye toward effectively educating for an international labor market. With such reinvention, universities would become instrumental to strengthening the European competitive position through economic innovation, increased social cohesion, and a more vibrant cultural dynamism.

Avec succès, avec l'ANVAR

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Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement

Book Description

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 20th EuroSPI conference, held in Dundalk, Ireland, in June 2013. The 31 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. They are organized in topical sections on SPI Safety and Regulation Issues; SPI Lifecycle and Models; SPI Quality and Testing Issues; SPI Networks and Teams; SPI and Reference Models; SPI Implementation; Agile organisations and an agile management process group; Managing Diversity and Innovation; SPI and Measurement; Risk Management and Functional Safety Standards.

Research & Innovation Valorisation Channels and Tools

Book Description

In its conclusions on 'Accelerating knowledge circulation in the EU' (2018), the Council of the European Union called on the European Commission to develop a strategy to accelerate the potential uptake of research and innovation (R&I) results and data. This policy review is the first step for such a knowledge valorisation strategy. By identifying and analysing the main channels for knowledge valorisation, it provides a toolbox to promote the uptake of R&I results and data. To enhance the diffusion of excellent national, regional and organisation-level initiatives, it also includes references to European and international best practices.

Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement

Book Description

This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 19th EuroSPI conference, held in Vienna, Austria, in June 2012. The 29 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. They are organized in topical sections on SPI and business factors; SPI lifecycle and models; SPI assessment and quality; SPI processes and standards; SPI in SMEs; SPI and implementation; creating environments supporting innovation and improvement; standards and experiences with the implementation of functional safety; business process management; SPI in SMEs - a project management perspective.