Vedic Astrology - The Nine Planets

Book Description

This book gives an elaborate description of all the 9 planets in vedic astrology. This book will tell you how different planets are just different elements of parts of our conciousness and mental make-up and why a planet represents what it represents. It has a detailed description on Rahu & Ketu and also an elaborate chapter on retrograde planets in vedic astrology. This Book tells you how Astronomy is related to Astrology and why does Astrology work so accurately. This book will give you a clear picture how planets relate to our psyche on a material as well as abstract plane. Hope you all love reading it.

Nine Planet Astrology

Book Description

"Nine Planet Astrology" is a comprehensive guide to understanding the ancient wisdom of Vedic astrology, specifically the nine celestial bodies that influence our lives. This book provides a detailed overview of each planet's characteristics, how they affect different aspects of our lives, and how we can harness their energies for personal growth and spiritual development. The author combines traditional teachings with practical applications, making it easy for readers to apply these teachings to their daily lives. Whether you're a seasoned astrologer or a beginner, "Nine Planet Astrology" is an invaluable resource for anyone interested in unlocking the mysteries of the universe and discovering their true purpose in life. RK Sharma is a renowned astrologer with extensive experience in the field of Vedic astrology. RK Sharma's passion for astrology and dedication to helping others make him an expert in the field, and his book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their lives through astrology. RK Sharma is a renowned astrologer with extensive experience in the field of Vedic astrology. He is a firm believer in the power of the nine planets or "Navagrahas" and has dedicated his life to studying their impact on human lives. With his book "Nine Planet Astrology," he aims to provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the influence of the planets on our lives and how to harness their energies for our benefit. His expertise in this field has helped numerous individuals gain insights into their life's purpose, overcome challenges, and achieve success. RK Sharma's passion for astrology and dedication to helping others make him an expert in the field, and his book is a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their lives through astrology.

Effects of Planets in 12 Houses

Book Description

Ever wonder how does the 9 planets in vedic astrology behaves in 12 houses of Zodiac. I am presenting this book with in depth details about zodiac, planets and their behaviour in 12 houses of Astrology. Seekers of this vedic knowledge will find this book very helpful and will be able to understand clearly and learn the fundamentals of astrology. I welcome all to the journey of astrology.

The Astrology of Seers

Book Description

Astrology of the Seers is a clear yet comprehensive presentation of Vedic astrology and makes this difficult-to-understand subject clear, practical and relevant. it reveals the deeper implications of the Vedic system in sections on astrology as a spiritual science, astrology and psychology, astrology and yoga. Of special interest, the book explains the cycle of the world-ages (yugas), showing the Vedic view of human history, and the connection of our solar system with galactic sources of energy. Thirty-two example charts of all types are explained including those of many spiritual teachers, covering all the main aspects of its philosophy, background and practice, including chart interpretation and methods of balancing planetary influences such as mantra and gem therapy. The present edition has been throughly revised and updated.

Planet SUN Secrets

Book Description

The Sun god has two arms, he is seated on the pedestal of lotus; both of his hands are embellished with lotus flowers. There is a beautiful golden crown, on his head and a garland of gems around his neck. His radiance is just like the interior part of a lotus flower and he is mounted on the chariot pulled by seven horses. The Sun god is also known as ‘Savita’, which means - one who creates, ‘SAVITA SARVASYA PRASAVITA’ (Nirukta -10/31). According to the Rigveda the Sun god situated at the centre of the solar system is an inspirer of all, pervader of the internal parts and an embodiment of almighty god. According to the ‘Markandeya Puran’ Sun is the embodiment of Brahma, the world originates from the Sun and is established in it. The Sun is the appearance of all the matters and elements and is theeternal almighty. This very God ‘Bhaskar’ creates nurtures and annihilates the world respectively in the form of lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva. Sun is the supreme deity amongst all the nine planets. When Brahma manifested himself by breaking the egg, then he pronounced ‘OM’. This Omkar itself is the supreme soul and the very physique of Sun god. The four Vedas emerged from all the four mouths of lord Brahma, which were glowing by their own radiance. The powerful radiance emanating from the ‘Omkar’ covered the radiance of the Vedas and ultimately all of them unified. This very Vedic appearance of ‘Omkar’ is the sun god. This radiant sun was the first manifested during the times of creation, hence it was called ‘Aditya’. Once the demons, the titans and the monsters unitedly fought with the deities and snatched their power and authority after defeating them. ‘Aditi’– the mother of the deities did worship of sun god to get protection from this calamity. Being pleased with her the sun god took incarnation as her son and established the eternal path of the Veda after defeating the enemies of the deities. He is called Aditya also for this reason. The complexion of Sun god is red. His vehicle is a chariot. There is only one wheel in his chariot which is called ‘Samvatsar’. The wheel of his chariot has 12 spokes, which symbolise the twelve months. The wheel has six circumferences, which symbolize the six seasons, and three ‘Naves’ which is symbolise of the three four-months. The sages (rishi) and all the celestial supernatural beings like ‘Gandharva’, ‘Apsara’, ‘Nag’ yaksha and the deities’ move along with him doing his worship. The wheel, power, a loop and a hook are the weapons of sun god. His great-phase (Mahadasha) last for six years. The Sun is considered as a high planet, till the tenth degree, in the zodiac of Aries. Lord Shiva is considered to be the deity of the Sun. To get his blessings and for his pacification, performance of ‘Arghya’ (pouring water facing the sun in the morning should be done and also the text of Harivansh purana should be listened to. Ruby should be worn on the body and donation of wheat, cow along with a calf, raw-sugar (gur), copper, gold and red-clothes should be made to the brahmins


Book Description

An invaluable encyclopedia of Hinduism Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions; an amalgam of diverse beliefs and schools, it originates in the Vedas and is rooted in Indian culture. Hinduism: An Alphabetical Guide illuminates complex philosophical concepts through lucid definitions, a historical perspective and incisive analyses. It examines various aspects of Hinduism, covering festivals and rituals, gods and goddesses, philosophers, memorials, aesthetics, and sacred plants and animals. The author also explores pivotal ideas, including moksha, karma, dharma and samsara, and details the diverse commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita and other important texts. Citing extensively from the regional languages, the book describes Hinduism’s innumerable myths and legends, and looks at the many versions of texts including the Ramayana and Mahabharata, placing each entry in its historical context and tracing its evolution to the present. • Outlines all eighteen major Puranas, the 108 Upanishads, and a selection of Vaishnava, Sahiva and Tantric texts • Provides quotations from rare original texts • A product of years of research, with a wide range of entries

Planet Mars Secrets

Book Description

In a Vedic Astrology Horoscope, the positions and effect of 9 heavenly bodies are carefully examined. These are the seven planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn along with two nodes - Rahu and Ketu. Each planet has a long list of significations which are further divided into the direction, metals, age, nature, elements, body part / body system, colors, rulership of zodiac signs and the host of other attributes which a good Astrologer has to keep in mind at the time of making the calculations and giving the forecast. While all planets are given equal attention but it is Mars which is given special attention to check for suddenness in giving bad results - if it is a malefic. At the time of matching the Horoscopes for marriage purposes, it is the presence or absence of Manglik feature which is checked before anything else. So let us go a little deeper into the nature, functioning, and mode of operation of Mars in a Horoscope. Is it always to be feared or does it have the power to give also? Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun. It is called Mangal in Hindi, Kujja in Sanskrit. West has named it after the Roman God of War. Mars is also referred to as the Red Planet because of its reddish appearance as seen from Earth. Similarly all the planets are divided into 4 elements of nature - Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Mars is supposed to be a fiery planet. As the story goes in the Vedic system, Mars is the commander-in-chief of the celestial army. It is therefore, quite natural to associate Mars with action & raw energy, after all it is fiery, hot red and fast (compared to Jupiter and Saturn it is a much faster planet orbiting the Sun).

Planets and Their Effects

Book Description

Understanding planets & their effects: ... Each planet emanates certain energy while moving through the zodiac circle. Some planets move faster like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, these are called inner planets and they affect us in a more personal and rapid manner, influencing our daily life, impulses and mood. All planets in solar system are revolving around Sun in a predefined pattern. That’s how we know when to wake up and when to go to bed. Planets however govern a lot more than just occurrence of day and night or eclipses and tides. Planets have a direct impact on us, despite being several light years away. While the position of planets does not dictate our everyday actions, it does have a profound and close influence on our life and destiny. Understanding planets & their effects: Much like nobody forces Moon to orbit Earth, humans are also under no force to act in a certain way but everything in the universe is correlated and works in sync so naturally, the movement of planets affects our actions as a result, much like our actions affect the environment. Human body is in fact made of elements present in the Universe. The structure of our brain is very much similar to the structure of universe. Everything that happens to the Universe happens to us. Our own magnetic field aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field. Each object in the Universe, be it humans, Earth, planets and stars in our galaxy move in a precise symphony so we have to connect ourselves to these energy sources to receive the vibrations and function better. Each planet emanates certain energy while moving through the zodiac circle. Some planets move faster like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Venus, these are called inner planets and they affect us in a more personal and rapid manner, influencing our daily life, impulses and mood. The outer planets move slowly in the sky, some even take as much as 2.5 years to change a sign. These include Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and these planets have a more profound and long-lasting impact on us, unlike say Moon. Astrological significance of planets: Every planet rules a zodiac sign except Rahu and Ketu, which are in fact not actual planets but two reference points in the sky. Rahu and Ketu are the points where the paths of the Sun and Moon intersect with each other. Rahu is the north lunar node, the Head of the dragon as per mythology and Ketu is the south lunar node. The qualities of the zodiac signs somewhat align with the characteristics of the planets. For instance, impulsive and active Aries is ruled by fiery Mars, dreamy Pisces is ruled by spiritual Jupiter, emotional Cancer is ruled by motherly Moon while confident Leo is ruled by masculine Sun.

Yoga of the Planets

Book Description

This book has many uses. In itself it is a meditation. You can enjoy and benefit without any special prior knowledge. There are insights into astrology but the main focus is enlightening the consciousness and providing a rebalancing of the energies represented by the planets. This will happen automatically as one reads through the mantras and their commentaries. There are 108 names expressed as mantras for each of the nine planets used in Vedic Astrology. These mantras activate the positive values of the planet throughout the Zodiac. For the first time ever, the mantras are listed with translation and commentary. Even if you only read the commentaries, you will get some of the benefit. If the planet is weak or afflicted, then this acts as a remedy. If it already strong, this helps to enliven its full potential. Easy techniques are also given that will allow you to find out which of the mantras will especially enliven your personal chart and, hence, have the greatest benefit for you. There is also a bonus section at the end which, for the first time, explains the sequence and lengths of the famous Vimshottari Dasha and gives new insights into how to interpret them. This system of prediction is so remarkable that even Western Astrologers often use it.