War Room

Book Description

Juggling motherhood and her job as a real-estate agent, Elizabeth Jordan wishes her husband could help more around the house. But Tony’s rising career as a pharmaceutical salesman demands more and more of his time. With a nice home in the suburbs and a lovely young daughter, they appear to have it all—yet they can’t seem to spend time together without fighting. Hoping for a new listing, Elizabeth visits the home of Clara Williams, an elderly widow, and is both amused and uncomfortable when Clara starts asking pointed questions about her marriage and faith. But it’s Clara’s secret prayer room, with its walls covered in requests and answers, that has Elizabeth most intrigued . . . even if she’s not ready to take Clara’s suggestion that she create a prayer room of her own. As tensions at home escalate, though, Elizabeth begins to realize that her family is worth fighting for, and she can’t win this battle on her own. Stepping out in blind faith, putting her prayers for her family and their future in God’s hands, might be her only chance at regaining the life she was meant for.

Hope for Your Marriage

Book Description

The challenges of your marriage may indeed be too much for you to sort out, but NOTHING is impossible for God. He is your Wonderful Counselor and Victorious Warrior. He is ready to bear your burdens, impart His perfect perspective, and demolish the ideas that separate you and your husband. You are at war, but your husband is not your enemy. Evil forces conspire to destroy your sacred union. Our Almighty God has proven His power to defeat Satan, and He has equipped you with simple, yet supernaturally effective weapons. Praying for your marriage is fighting for your marriage. With each prayer, you bring the vulnerable places of your relationship to God who generously provides His strength and sufficiency. The 31 Scriptural prayers in this book will equip you to: - Fight from a place of victory- Fight for what will last- Fight for your good gifts- Fight for freedom from strongholds Each prayer is written like a psalm to help you express your feelings to God, reach for His help, and remind yourself of His promises. Scriptures references for each prayer are provided along with a journaling opportunity to make the conversation with God more personal. This is a winnable war. With God, there is hope for your marriage.

86 War Room Prayers For Your Child

Book Description

This book is about enforcing the will of God in the lives of your child through scripture based war room prayers. Prayer was not intended by the Lord to be a difficult art and in this book you will learn the types of prayer and the one you will employ for a miracle.The prayers in this book are scriptural which is the will of God and if you pray them, God will answer you just according to His word with a miracle of transformation in your child's life.1 John 5:14 ¶ And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.It doesn't matter the problem or challenge, God is able to give you a testimony as you partner with Him by praying the 86 WAR ROOM PRAYERS IN THIS BOOK for your child.God bless you.

7 Days In The War Room

Book Description

The prayers in this covers challenges in every areas of life, promotion, all kinds of delay, deliverance prayer, marriage, prayer for yuor family, prayers to overcome demonic attack, prayers that rout demons, prayers for your spouse , midnight prayers, healing prayers, prayers for success. etc. The chapters in this book will guide you on how you can claim the blessings and the promises of God upon your life by applying the word of God and confessions that will activate your success. God has release our blessings, but there are some forces in the spirit realm that are struggling with the Angels that are carrying these blessings. Unless serious prayers is been made, this blessings will keep hanging. Through the help of the Holy Spirit, some scriptures in this book have been revealed for your deliverance and breakthrough. Pray along with faith from the scriptures and trust in God for his divine intervention. The prayers have been organized from day 1- day 7, pray the confession section and go into the main prayers of the day. Since the days of John the Baptist the kingdom of God suffereth violence only the violence will take it by force. The confessions section is meant for your deliverance please don't joke with it, pray with all your heart with the bible verses and trust in God something must happen in your life. This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Joshua 1:8. And also pray all the prayer points for that day repeatedly until you close your fasting for that day. Some names have been mentioned in the place of God in the passages of this book. Beloved, it is very important to worship God by calling him names. E.g. The king of kings, the mightier than all, the creator of the whole universe, the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end etc. The truth is that, whatever name you call God that is what he represents in your life and situation. If you say, he is your great provider that means he will be the one providing for you. For I know the thoughts I have for you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29 : 11

War Lords In The War Room Of Fire

Book Description

This book is written for WARLORDS, like you. Battles may arise but warlords have the power to walk over them. This is one unique book that will train your hands for war and your fingers for battle. The book is loaded with Holy Spirit vomited prayers that will rout powers delaying your miracles. The Lord shall rescue you from those who pursue you as you enter war room as warlord and pray. The Lord shall send forth lightening and scatter the enemies and their evil plans. This book will teach you liberation prayers. Enemies target to captivate you and take your property as spoil; but this shall not be your portion. No matter the gang up or fierce nature of enemy, prayers in this book shall scatter them and bring them to their knee. This book is well packaged to address issues of strange powers that kill and destroy destiny of the saints. Prayers in this book shall bring sudden end to powers planning shame and disgrace for you. The prayer book will silence all battles older than you. The days and years of dark powers are over as you shall count your blessings, as a warlord in the war room of fire. This is the reason you should buy this book. The time is ripe to possess your possession, silence every emptier assign against you and give all glory to God. Don’t entertain delay; this book is for you, buy it. As you do so, God shall open heavens and bless you. Amen.

War Room Prevailing Prayers

Book Description

Do you struggle to find the right words to speak in the presence of Almighty God? Praying to God may feel foreign or like a ritual, and adding to that frustration, you worry that God isn't listening. Even if He hears, will He reply? This book will show you God not only listens but also answers.Or maybe you already pray regularly and are looking for a tuneup for your prayer life. This book is for you, too. You already know that war room prayer is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare.God is waiting to pour out blessings on your life, if only you will ask Him. God wants you to be a powerful prayer warrior and help you as you pray for the prayer requests on your war room wall.Author Dr. Felix A. Ezeukwu was struck by the power of the prayers answered during his twelve years as an international missionary in Southeast Asia. These answered prayers brought glory to God and helped advance His Kingdom on Earth. THOSE are the prayers we need in our broken world, and the direction this book will guide you. You can pray more strategically when you have a war room battle plan for prayer.Prayer was never intended to be complicated. The truth is that Jesus showed His disciples how to pray and He wants to show you how to pray too. Learn how to use The Lord's Prayer as a prayer guide.In this book, you will learn many ingredients of fervent prayer that will help you pray such as:*prayers for healing and recovery*prayers for strength and confidence*prayers about peace and serenity*prayers for your spouse and forgiveness*prayers for anxiety and depression*prayer for the fruit of the womb*prayer for the sick*prayer for financial open heaven*prayer for personal deliverance etcThe author brings 40 years of his personal ministry experience to the pages of this book, but most importantly, he looks to the Word to unearth what Jesus prayed about and how. With beautiful simplicity, Dr. Lancaster offers tangible methods to reshape your prayer life beginning today.If you like Fervent Prayer by Priscilla Shirer or the Praying Medic books, you will enjoy discovering more help with your war room prevailing prayers by Dr. Felix Ezeukwu knows firsthand the difference having a simple model of prayer will make in your life. By opening your heart to these simple steps, you will begin to experience the true power of prayer in your relationship with God, in your community, and in ways you could never have imagined.Click the Buy Now button and take your war room prayers to a new level.

War Room Prayer Journal

Book Description

God has extended an invitation for us to join Him in the place spiritual encounter. A place of visions and dreams. A place where our Father speaks intimately with us from above the mercy seat. This journal is your personal place to record your encounters! "There I will meet with you and, from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubim that are upon the ark of the Testimony, I will speak intimately with you... " (Exodus 25:22) Each day is an opportunity to meet with Him, hear his voice, and be empowered to live a Christ honoring, Spirit filled life of prayer and fellowship with the Holy Spirit. The WAR ROOM Prayer Journal is designed to be a place where you can record your conversations with the Most High, your loving Father in Heaven. Habakkuk 2:2 urges believers to, "Write the vision, and make it plain..." Never let a Word from God slip from your remembrance again -- use this inspirational prayer journal to record and to recall your encounters with the Almighty. Let it become a diary of the divine romance that you are privileged to enjoy. This unique journal is 10" x 7" - a little larger than a usual book, giving you ample space to record your prayers, His answers, and each life lesson you learn as you journey together with your Savior. Packed with over 200 inspiring prayer quotes by great men and women of faith through the decades, as well as God-breathed scripture, you will be reminded each time you pick up your journal that the God we serve is faithful to answer. The WAR ROOM Prayer Journal is more than just a notebook - it is a companion in your journey of faith, with the great crowd of witnesses cheering you on! Buy The War Room Prayer Journal today, a deeply personal companion book for your ongoing adventure with your faithful Father in Heaven, wonderful Jesus and the ever ready to speak Spirit of God!

Powerful War Room Prayers

Book Description

"Unleash the power of prayer and step into a life of victory with our book, Powerful War Room Prayers: Learning to Pray Like a Prayer Warrior. This book is a spiritual guide that will equip you with the knowledge and strategies needed to transform your prayer life and engage in effective spiritual warfare. Discover the secrets of fervent prayer, learn to pray the Scriptures, and understand the role of the Holy Spirit in your prayer life. Experience the joy, peace, and victory that come from a life devoted to prayer. This book is not just about learning; it's about becoming. Becoming a prayer warrior, becoming victorious in your spiritual battles, and becoming closer to God through effective communication. Whether you're praying for your family, relationships, church, or nation, this book will guide you on how to pray targeted prayers that can effect change in these critical areas of your life.: Are you ready to transform your prayer life and become a powerful prayer warrior? Grab your copy of Powerful War Room Prayers: Learning to Pray Like a Prayer Warrior today and embark on this transformative journey of faith and prayer.


Book Description

War Room Prayers

Book Description

War room prayers to heaven can be a strong wellspring of trust and strength in the existence of each devotee to Christ. Presently like never before, we can go to our Dad in Paradise to recuperate the hurt and torment that is surrounding us. James Lancaster is a well respected Preacher of God and a spiritual writer in the United states. Due to popular demands this book was published!! War room prayers talk about the connection between we humans and our creator (GOD). War room praters address so many topics close to our own hearts and personal life. In this book, you will discover: What is a war room? What are war room prayers? Powerful prayer points to pray. In short: You have to give this spiritual book a chance by reading it for your own connection with God. Scroll up and click on the BUY button.