Whole Genome Amplification

Book Description

Whole genome amplification generates microgram quantities of genomic DNA starting from a sample of as little as a few femtograms and so is a vital technique when sample material is limited, as well as for high-throughput assays. Whole Genome Amplification: Methods Express is a comprehensive up-to-date laboratory manual for this key technique. It provides detailed step-by-step protocols as well as hints and tips for success and troubleshooting, taking readers through all aspects of whole genome amplification. This book is an essential practical guide for any researcher currently using PCR for genomic amplification or who wishes to do so in future.

Indicators for Waterborne Pathogens

Book Description

Recent and forecasted advances in microbiology, molecular biology, and analytical chemistry have made it timely to reassess the current paradigm of relying predominantly or exclusively on traditional bacterial indicators for all types of waterborne pathogens. Nonetheless, indicator approaches will still be required for the foreseeable future because it is not practical or feasible to monitor for the complete spectrum of microorganisms that may occur in water, and many known pathogens are difficult to detect directly and reliably in water samples. This comprehensive report recommends the development and use of a "tool box" approach by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency and others for assessing microbial water quality in which available indicator organisms (and/or pathogens in some cases) and detection method(s) are matched to the requirements of a particular application. The report further recommends the use of a phased, three-level monitoring framework to support the selection of indicators and indicator approaches.Â

Molecular-Based Methods to Detect Viable Bacterial Pathogens in Source Waters

Book Description

Humans can be exposed to waterborne bacterial pathogens and numerous outbreaks have been reported involving these microorganisms around the world. Many different enteric pathogens can be found in source waters used for drinking water. Assessing these pathogens and their possible threat to public health has always been important. Waterborne pathogens can be difficult to detect, and despite a large variety of recognized microbial detection techniques, the cause of many outbreaks has not been unidentified. Effective and rapid pathogen detection techniques are required to achieve reliable data for microbial source water quality, outbreak investigations, and for drinking water treatment efficacy monitoring. Bacteria have long been detected using classical culture-based methods, with the rationale that living cells are able to grow/replicate. However, many pathogenic bacteria in source waters may turn into viable but not culturable (VBNC) cells and are thus undetectable by growth-based methodologies. Alternatively, PCR-based techniques have been developed to detect both non-culturable and culturable bacteria. Yet with these techniques, post-death DNA persistency can inaccurately overestimate the number of viable cells. This problem may be circumvented by an alteration to the PCR procedure that is reported to be able to block PCR amplification of DNA that originates from dead cells. This alteration involves a chemical pre-treatment step prior to PCR using a photoreactive intercalating dye, propidium monoazide (PMA). In this research, a successful modification was made to the PMA-PCR method that can result in substantial suppression of the PCR signal from dead cells, and provide results that can more accurately measure bacterial pathogen viability. PMA-PCR was applied to high concentrations (1 × 107 cells mL-1) of heat-killed cells of Salmonella enterica and Campylobacter jejuni. Using PMA-PCR in combination with primers that amplified a relatively short fragment of the S. enterica invA gene (119 bp), only a 3-log reduction of the dead cell PCR signal was obtained. Similarly, for C. jejuni using PCR primers that amplified a relatively short fragment of DNA (174 bp of cpn60 gene), only a 1-log reduction of the PCR signal was observed for dead cells. Therefore, PMA treatment followed by PCR amplification of short DNA fragments resulted in incomplete signal inhibition of heat killed Salmonella and Campylobacter. To further investigate how PCR conditions can affect the ability of PMA to inhibit PCR amplification, primers were then used that could amplify a larger fragment of DNA. PCR amplification of a longer DNA fragment (1614 bp of invA gene for S. enterica and 1512 bp of cpn60 gene for C. jejuni) strongly suppressed the signal (7 log reduction) for both heat-killed Salmonella and Campylobacter. For UV-treated S. enterica and C. jejuni, short amplicon PMA-PCR showed no or very low PCR signal reduction, in part due to intact membranes directly after UV irradiation. Long amplicon qPCR, however, resulted in dead cell signal removal and PMA pretreatment had no effect on PCR signal suppression. This study used quantitative PCR and the PMA-PCR viability assays to evaluate the levels and occurrences of four groups of pathogenic bacteria in surface water samples from two locations on the Grand River, Ontario, Canada, to demonstrate the reliability of the PMA-PCR technique for the enumeration of viable cells. The bacterial groups investigated included S. enterica, thermophilic Campylobacter, Escherichia coli O157:H7, and Arcobacter butzleri. Small numbers of dead cells (not more than 0.5 log 100 mL-1) were present, detected as the difference between PMA-PCR and PCR without PMA treatment. In this particular river, pathogen enumeration by PCR was only slightly influenced by false positive signal detection due to the presence of dead cells or extracellular DNA and reliable bacterial pathogen detection could be attained by PCR without PMA pretreatment. Viable A. butzleri were detected at elevated concentrations (up to 4.8 log cells per 100 mL) in the Grand River. Arcobacter has not been previously studied in the Grand River and this is one of the few studies that have quantitatively assessed Arcobacter in the environment. This suggests that additional research is required on the pathogenicity of this organism and its occurrence in water. In the next stage of this research, both the improved viability assay (long amplicon PMA-PCR) and conventional quantitative PCR were applied to investigate the survival trends of selected enteric bacterial pathogens including Yersinia enterocolitica, S. enterica, C. jejuni, and A. butzleri. The target bacteria were inoculated into sterile or non-sterile river water to study the impact of background microbiota on cell survival. These experiments were perfomed at 3 different temperatures (5, 15, and 25°C) and at high/low dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations (for C. jejuni, and A. butzleri only) to evaluate the effect of these potential environmental stresses on bacterial survival trends. The results indicated that the autochthonous microbiota in river water had a significant effect on the bacterial die-off. Although lower temperatures enhanced bacterial survival in non-sterile river water, it was found that PCR may overestimate the effect of temperature on survival and that the PCR viability assays (PMA-PCR) could more accurately measure the impact of temperature. The survival of viable C. jejuni was adversely affected by high DO levels only at a low temperature (5°C) and this effect was observed only when the PMA-PCR viability assay was applied. A. butzleri survival was not affected by water DO levels. This research provides an improved understanding of viable/active enteric waterborne bacteria and their survival in the aquatic microcosms as well as reliable data to better elucidate the effect of environmental factors on the occurrence of pathogenic bacteria. It can also offer valuable information for microbial risk assessments used by regulators and decision makers.

Environmental Applications of Nucleic Acid Amplification Technology

Book Description

From the Preface Antibody techniques have allowed us to study microorganisms in situ. However, until recently all methodology lacked the sensitivity necessary for environmental work where microorganisms are in most cases present at very low concentrations or where microbial ecosystems contain a myriad of different organisms. Gene probes have been used successfully for a variety of samples, but this method was still not sensitive enough. The next logical step was the application of the recently developed DNA amplification technique known as the polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. Since then, many laboratories around the world have adopted PCR for environmental work. Samples obtained from soils, water and air are enormously complex because they are unknown mixtures of DNA and other compounds. Thus, procedures for target DNA amplification from the environment require special attention. The PCR has allowed us to go beyond the need for culturing prior to analysis of microbial communities. It has been shown that even microorganisms that can be routinely grown in the laboratory undergo some physiological changes when exposed to the environment. One of these changes (first observed by R. Colwell and colleagues) is known as the viable-but-non-culturable state, and seems to be a common occurrence. Thus, the use of culture techniques paint only part of the picture in terms of microbial behavior under environmental conditions. The ability to amplify nucleic acids by the PCR has brought about a myriad of very ingenious modifications to the technique that can then be used to study complex ecosystems. The manner in which the PCR can be modified is only limited by the need and/or the imagination of the researcher. The first manual dedicated specifically to the analysis (by PCR) of environmental samples, Environmental Applications of Nucleic Acid Amplification Techniques presents state of the art methodology for the detection of microorganisms in soil, water, air samples, as well as the amplification of nucleic acids from fossil samples. The manual gives step-by-step procedures for the analysis of these samples. Although several publications have addressed the use of Polymerase Chain Reaction technique, very few of them have been directed toward the application of this technique to environmental samples. This book fills this gap in the literature.

Management of Legionella in Water Systems

Book Description

Legionnaires' disease, a pneumonia caused by the Legionella bacterium, is the leading cause of reported waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States. Legionella occur naturally in water from many different environmental sources, but grow rapidly in the warm, stagnant conditions that can be found in engineered water systems such as cooling towers, building plumbing, and hot tubs. Humans are primarily exposed to Legionella through inhalation of contaminated aerosols into the respiratory system. Legionnaires' disease can be fatal, with between 3 and 33 percent of Legionella infections leading to death, and studies show the incidence of Legionnaires' disease in the United States increased five-fold from 2000 to 2017. Management of Legionella in Water Systems reviews the state of science on Legionella contamination of water systems, specifically the ecology and diagnosis. This report explores the process of transmission via water systems, quantification, prevention and control, and policy and training issues that affect the incidence of Legionnaires' disease. It also analyzes existing knowledge gaps and recommends research priorities moving forward.

Identifying Future Drinking Water Contaminants

Book Description

With an increasing population, use of new and diverse chemicals that can enter the water supply, and emergence of new microbial pathogens, the U.S. federal government is faced with a regulatory dilemma: Where should it focus its attention and limited resources to ensure safe drinking water supplies for the future? Identifying Future Drinking Water Contaminants is based on a 1998 workshop on emerging drinking water contaminants. It includes a dozen papers that were presented on new and emerging microbiological and chemical drinking water contaminants, associated analytical and water treatment methods for their detection and removal, and existing and proposed environmental databases to assist in their proactive identification and regulation. The papers are preceded by a conceptual approach and related recommendations to EPA for the periodic creation of future Drinking Water Contaminant Candidate Lists (CCLsâ€"produced every five yearsâ€"include currently unregulated chemical and microbiological substances that are known or anticipated to occur in public water systems and that may pose health risks).

Microbial Source Tracking

Book Description

Presents a state-of-the-art review of the current technology and applications being utilized to identify sources of fecal contamination in waterways. - Serves as a useful reference for researchers in the food industry, especially scientists investigating etiological agents responsible for food contamination. - Provides background information on MST methods and the assumptions and limitations associated with their use. - Covers a broad range of topics related to MST, including environmental monitoring, public health and national security, population biology, and microbial ecology. - Offers valuable insights into future research directions and technology developments.

Water Quality

Book Description

The quality of water, whether it is used for drinking, irrigation or recreational purposes, is significant for health in both developing and developed countries worldwide. This book is based on a programme of work undertaken by an international group of experts during 1999-2001. The aim was to develop a harmonised framework of effective and affordable guidelines and standards to improve the risk assessment and management of water-related microbial hazards. This book will be useful to all those concerned with issues relating to microbial water quality and health, including environmental and public health scientists, water scientists, policy makers and those responsible for developing standards and regulations.

Microbial Waterborne Pathogens

Book Description

In the developed world, the connection between water, hygiene and health is taken for granted. However, for the less fortunate majority, access to potable water is non-existent and remains a daily struggle. Bacteria, viruses and parasites in contaminated water cause water borne disease. Of concern are the so-called new emerging pathogens, contributing to water borne disease, one of the biggest human tragedies, killing more than 5 million people each year. About 2.3 billion people suffer from diseases linked to contaminated water and some 6,000 people die daily as a result of this. Some 60% of all infant mortality worldwide is linked to water-related infectious and parasitic diseases. Treating water before use can eliminate most of these waterborne pathogens. The essential starting point is knowledge of the disease-causing organisms, the detection techniques, and the epidemiology, which is the focus of this book. Microbial Waterborne Pathogens provides up-to-date coverage of waterborne microbial pathogens including traditional and emerging pathogens and the latest molecular detection techniques. The link between climate and disease is covered in the book and indicates future approaches to dealing with this important area as we face the effects of global climate change All the existing and emerging pathogens including bacteria, viruses and protozoa are reviewed. The characteristics of each organism are discussed in detail as well as their epidemiology. Methods for the detection of these pathogens, traditional and new are presented. Microbial Waterborne Pathogens provides students, academics and practitioners with a complete reference book on the microbiological quality and safety of potable water.