Women and Minority Faculty in the Academic Workplace

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In an attempt to address the need for substantive comparisons in the minority university faculty population, this monograph examines the relative differences in minority groups in the faculty population when the data permit comparisons. The report also examines research on the status of women faculty members. The discussion assembles a large volume of empirical research organized under the main thesis that academia for women and minority faculty is often experienced as a chilling and alienating environment. Women and minority faculty are expected to perform institutional roles that allow higher education institutions to pursue diversity on campus, but these roles are ignored in the faculty reward system, especially in the awarding of tenure. The chapters are: (1) "The Status of Women and Minority Faculty: Changing or Unchanging?"; (2) "The Academic Workplace"; (3) "The Academic Workplace for Women and Minority Faculty"; (4) "Issues Facing Women and Minority Faculty"; and (5) "Summary Observations and Suggestions." (Contains 314 references.) (SLD).

Faculty Job Satisfaction

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Given the impending shortage of prospective college faculty that will exist by the year 2000, the topics of faculty job satisfaction, recruitment, and retention must be given priority attention. Moreover, the faculty of the future must reflect the diversity of the population to be served; consequently, immediate actions must be taken to ensure that faculty positions are made attractive to women and minorities alike. Numerous internal stressors uniquely affecting women and minorities must be recognized and dealt with to enhance job satisfaction and create a better fit between the faculty role and the person involved. It has been shown that women faculty members are less satisfied with their positions than their male counterparts because they are often forced to sacrifice more in terms of their personal lives in order to meet the demands of their jobs, as well as their families. As for minority faculty members, they generally find themselves less likely to be tenured compared to whites, are often concerned about lower salaries, feel isolated and less supported, and often encounter prejudice and racism. Leaders and faculty in higher education must implement a variety of recruiting and retention strategies if a faculty representing a diverse culture is to become a reality. Actions include: (1) recruiting women and minorities into undergraduate and graduate programs in sufficient numbers to fill the pool for faculty positions; (2) attracting women into disciplines where they are currently underrepresented; and (3) using incentives for departments to diversify. Contains an index and over 200 references. (GLR).


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The academy may claim to seek and value diversity in its professoriate, but reports from faculty of color around the country make clear that departments and administrators discriminate in ways that range from unintentional to malignant. Stories abound of scholars--despite impressive records of publication, excellent teaching evaluations, and exemplary service to their universities--struggling on the tenure track. These stories, however, are rarely shared for public consumption. Written/Unwritten reveals that faculty of color often face two sets of rules when applying for reappointment, tenure, and promotion: those made explicit in handbooks and faculty orientations or determined by union contracts and those that operate beneath the surface. It is this second, unwritten set of rules that disproportionally affects faculty who are hired to "diversify" academic departments and then expected to meet ever-shifting requirements set by tenured colleagues and administrators. Patricia A. Matthew and her contributors reveal how these implicit processes undermine the quality of research and teaching in American colleges and universities. They also show what is possible when universities persist in their efforts to create a diverse and more equitable professorate. These narratives hold the academy accountable while providing a pragmatic view about how it might improve itself and how that improvement can extend to academic culture at large. The contributors and interviewees are Ariana E. Alexander, Marlon M. Bailey, Houston A. Baker Jr., Dionne Bensonsmith, Leslie Bow, Angie Chabram, Andreana Clay, Jane Chin Davidson, April L. Few-Demo, Eric Anthony Grollman, Carmen V. Harris, Rashida L. Harrison, Ayanna Jackson-Fowler, Roshanak Kheshti, Patricia A. Matthew, Fred Piercy, Deepa S. Reddy, Lisa Sanchez Gonzalez, Wilson Santos, Sarita Echavez See, Andrew J. Stremmel, Cheryl A. Wall, E. Frances White, Jennifer D. Williams, and Doctoral Candidate X.

Faculty of Color in Academe

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Comprehensive, in-depth study of the inequalities based on ethnic and racial differences in the professional environment of high education.

Seeking Solutions

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Seeking Solutions: Maximizing American Talent by Advancing Women of Color in Academia is the summary of a 2013 conference convened by the Committee on Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine of the National Research Council to discuss the current status of women of color in academia and explore the challenges and successful initiatives for creating the institutional changes required to increase representation of women of color at all levels of the academic workforce. While the number of women, including minority women, pursuing higher education in science, engineering and medicine has grown, the number of minority women faculty in all institutions of higher education has remained small and has grown less rapidly than the numbers of nonminority women or minority men. Seeking Solutions reviews the existing research on education and academic career patterns for minority women in science, engineering, and medicine to enhance understanding of the barriers and challenges to the full participation of all minority women in STEM disciplines and academic careers. Additionally, this report identifies reliable and credible data source and data gaps, as well as key aspects of exemplary policies and programs that are effective in enhancing minority women's participation in faculty ranks. Success in academia is predicated on many factors and is not solely a function of talent. Seeking Solutions elucidates those other factors and highlights ways that institutions and the individuals working there can take action to create institutional cultures hospitable to people of any gender, race, and ethnicity.

Navigating Academia: A Guide for Women and Minority STEM Faculty

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Navigating Academia: A Guide for Women and Minority STEM Faculty explores the infrastructure of the academy and provides a systematic account of where and why women and minorities fall behind men in the preparation for and development of their academic careers. This book offers useful strategies for recruiting, retaining, and advancing women and minorities. Chapters include testimonials from faculty and administrators about how they made their ascent within the academy. Navigating Academia: A Guide for Women and Minority STEM Faculty also discusses how to modify and expand faculty recruiting programs, how to diversify search committees, how to encourage intervention by deans, and how to assess past hiring efforts. This guide is an important resource for women and minorities seeking success in the academy as well as for administrators focused on faculty and professional development. Outlines barriers and challenges that this population is confronted with and provides several solutions and approaches for combating these issues. Includes insightful testimonials from contributors at various stages in their academic careers. Identifies critical success paths of a Professional Support Network (PSN) and pinpoints what components of the PSN are needed and how to acquire them.

Sexual Harassment of Women

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Over the last few decades, research, activity, and funding has been devoted to improving the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine. In recent years the diversity of those participating in these fields, particularly the participation of women, has improved and there are significantly more women entering careers and studying science, engineering, and medicine than ever before. However, as women increasingly enter these fields they face biases and barriers and it is not surprising that sexual harassment is one of these barriers. Over thirty years the incidence of sexual harassment in different industries has held steady, yet now more women are in the workforce and in academia, and in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine (as students and faculty) and so more women are experiencing sexual harassment as they work and learn. Over the last several years, revelations of the sexual harassment experienced by women in the workplace and in academic settings have raised urgent questions about the specific impact of this discriminatory behavior on women and the extent to which it is limiting their careers. Sexual Harassment of Women explores the influence of sexual harassment in academia on the career advancement of women in the scientific, technical, and medical workforce. This report reviews the research on the extent to which women in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine are victimized by sexual harassment and examines the existing information on the extent to which sexual harassment in academia negatively impacts the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women pursuing scientific, engineering, technical, and medical careers. It also identifies and analyzes the policies, strategies and practices that have been the most successful in preventing and addressing sexual harassment in these settings.

Presumed Incompetent

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Academics have long known that the experiences of women faculty members of color differ in important respects from those of any other faculty members. Adding significantly to that body of knowledge, Presumed Incompetent: The Intersections of Race and Class for Women in Academia edited by Professors Angela P. Harris and Carmen Gonzalez in a collection of essays of different voices offers important lessons for scholars, university administrators and leaders, faculty members, and, for that matter, students interested in the experiences of women of color in academia. People of good faith who want to “do the right thing” may find it difficult to read the unsettling stories and pleas for empathy, internalize the lessons as based on common occurrences rather than outlier experiences, and consider how to address and redress the issues. Still, we as a collective have the obligation and responsibility to think about what might be done to improve the day-to-day lives of the next generation of women faculty of color. To that end, this review essay directs attention at one chapter of the volume, which offers invaluable commentary and perspective on the other chapters and provides many lessons for university leaders hoping to make a positive difference. This is terrain where one might expect two minority law school deans (and faculty members) to feel most comfortable. In addition, as people of color with real life experience with these issues, we hope to provide insights that help university leaders to better appreciate, grapple with, and attempt to effectively address the concerns of women faculty of color. In Lessons from the Experiences of Women of Color Working in Academia, Professor Yolanda Flores Niemann ably distills valuable lessons from the preceding chapters of the book (p. 446). She cogently analyzes, synthesizes, and elaborates upon the lessons from the experiences of the diverse group of faculty women of color, who offer different perspectives on the challenges that they have encountered in academia. In this essay, we by necessity narrow our focus to just a few of Professor Flores Niemann's many insights. In so doing, our hope is to highlight, and expand upon, ten important lessons from her rich chapter. Building on these lessons, we offer relevant experiences both as minority faculty members ourselves and law school deans. The pursuit of equity for women of color faculty members obviously requires consideration of a wide array of academic personnel matters and issues of general university and faculty governance. This short essay, of course, cannot do justice in the analysis of those issues in their entirety. What we instead hope to do is to briefly explain how and why university leaders should be sensitive to the possible diversity consequences of just about every decision that he or she makes and take preliminary steps toward beginning a process that can improve the experiences of faculty members of color. As discussed in this review essay, devotion to a transparent process of decision-making has proven critically important to our success and happiness, as well as to that of many other influential university leaders. In addition, awareness, sensitivity, and commitment are important ingredients to any process aimed at ensuring that the academic workplace is fair, safe, and hospitable to all faculty members. The next steps for academic leaders include concrete and practical action on a variety of fronts. We currently live in a time of considerable tumult in American law schools, with falling numbers of applications, a challenging legal job market, and rising tuitions. Many of the same trends are evident in higher education generally. The pressing concern in the minds of many university leaders involves financial viability, which unquestionably deserves attention. Concerns with the diversity of faculties and student bodies, as well as the experiences of minorities in academia, are secondary at best to most university leaders and not nearly as high a current priority as one would hope. The crisis mentality about the economic trends at many universities makes it all the more important to take to heart the lessons of Presumed Incompetent. We collectively must strive to avoid allowing the turbulent times in modern academia to drown out the voices of women faculty members of color and ultimately distract us from the goals of diversity and social justice in academia.