You are Loved In Christ

Book Description

In You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians Tijuana L. Canders takes readers on a journey of unconditional love, forgiveness, faith, and unity amongst Christians and how to communicate with neighboring communities who are different in religion, ethnicity or heritage than their own. You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians delivers a message of hope to the Church and communities to stand together in unity and negate strife for One Common Goal, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tijuana L. Canders is a Free-Lance writer for Relationships, Graduate of Mid-America Christian University for the Behavioral Sciences and Ethics, Entrepreneur, and Homeschool Educater. She currently lives in Marietta, Georgia with her family

~You Are Loved In Christ

Book Description

In You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians Tijuana L. Canders takes readers on a journey of unconditional love, forgiveness, faith, and unity amongst Christians and how to communicate with neighboring communities who are different in religion, ethnicity or heritage than their own. Tijuana L. Canders content develops and evolves relationships of communities differences, sameness, and togetherness through the guidance of catalyzing communities abilities to communicate with effectiveness and understand theoretically thus socially a variety of culture, ethnicity, creed, color, and origin. Canders provides readers with a four-part fifteen chapter text, including discussion questions to engage the reader, small groups, and communities on the subjects of the History of the Church, Unity, Diversity, Unconditional Love, Altruism and Self-Efficacy, Reconciliation, and Standing In faith. You are loved In Christ: Unity Amongst Christians delivers a message of hope to the Church and communities to stand together in unity and negate strife for One Common Goal, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. BOOK SYNOPSIS: Embracement of others requires adherent actions thus infusive dialogues of interchangeable communication across linear parallel barriers. Communities support communities through exhortation. Spiritual formation concerns the heart of the Church and the heart of the people. The ability to look inwardly within self, and extrovertly prepares times of meditation and solitude with God which leads to the penetration of the heart to reach others. When we step out as a human race towards purpose it brings with it uncertainty, but also a world filled with opportunities, divine connections, and penetration of heart towards the leading of God. Partnering with God for social change may require transparency, clarity, ethics, viable communication, or subservient wholeness from self to others in order to catalyze and suffice perpetual epitomes connective to social behaviors of individualist or collectivist groups. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Tijuana L. Canders is an Author for Promoting Christianity, Socio-Cultural Awareness, Mental Health and Wellness, American Immigration, Women's Suffrage and Essential Leadership, Graduate of Mid-America Christian University for the Behavioral Sciences and Ethics, Honorary Graduate of Walden University MS Social Psychology, Entrepreneur, and Homeschool Educator. Canders is also an Ohio House Representatives and Senate two-time recipient Proclamation Award bestowed winner, and PsiChi International Honor Society In Psychology Alumnus. She currently lives with her family in Princeton, New Jersey.

Until Unity: Study Guide

Book Description

Christians cannot remain indifferent to the divisions in the Church today. In this study guide companion, Chan draws on the gospel infused message of Until Unity to remind readers that Church unity is not optional. This study guide includes: Deeper exploration of every chapter in Until Unity Free original videos with Francis Chan Tips for leading and participating in a small group Scripture passages and reflection questions Prompts for group and individual prayer Chan’s emphasis on worship and praise, along with his passionate teaching, make this guide a unique and life-changing exploration of why unity is not just God’s wish for His Church—it’s His command.

Unity It's Every Christian's Call

Book Description

“God’s dynamics for unity in His Church is revealed in this wonderful book, UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call. No matter how bad you or someone else may have caused division in the Church, or in your relationships outside of it, this book shows you how to get back to God and reconcile all your relationships. I highly recommend this book.” –Pastor Stan Nixon, Hartselle, Alabama “UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call fully illustrates how the power of unity between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit should function throughout the body of Christ. Kevin masterfully pulls together all the aspects of biblical unity that are needed to bring souls into the kingdom. I highly recommend this book to anyone who’s interested in fulfilling God’s plan for their life.” –Terrence Kinney, Former pastor-Better Life Community Church, Cottondale Texas “The pursuit of unity has exploded worldwide...Thank the Lord for Kevin Almond’s clear call for genuine Christian unity available only as we humble ourselves in pursuit of the fullness of Truth only found in Christ alone. To that cause Kevin has given his life.” –Charles Crismier, Attorney and Author Founder – SAVE AMERICA Ministries Radio Host – VIEWPOINT “I’ve known Kevin for over 30 yrs. He’ll help other churches any way he can to bring unity in the body of Christ. I’ve witnessed this time and time again...UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call is a good book. Kevin breaks it down real simple to understand.” –Pastor Hank Parker, Grace Alive Outreach Church Midlothian VA. “There is much to glean from Kevin’s book, starting with the Introduction...Many in today’s “Church” believe that “unity in the Church” means compromising what God says with what “culture” says. This book stays focused on what the Bible says, not what the world says. UNITY It’s Every Christian’s Call is great for an in-home or Bible study group.” –Donald N. Blake, Chairman and President Virginia Christian Alliance

Celebrating God's Love

Book Description

This collection of essays offers a framework for reflection and study by United Methodist laity, clergy, and seminarians seeking to live into our faith’s commitment to ecumenism and interfaith relationships. The vision and voices of writers from around the world are indispensable in understanding the biblical, historical, and theological basis for ecumenical and interreligious work. The writers are Warner H. Brown, Jr. Sudarshana Devadhar, Gaspar Joao Domingos, Adam Hamilton, Benjamin L. Hartley, Hee Soo Jung, Gladys Mangiduyos, Glen A. Messer II, Bruce R. Ough, Stephen Sidorak, Jr., Mary Ann Swenson, and Rosemarie Wenner. Read what others are saying... “This sparkling book celebrates the wide-armed embrace of God’s love. Drawing from personal stories, historical narratives, texts of the Wesleyan and United Methodist traditions, and biblical witness, the authors challenge people to ponder ecumenical and interreligious relations. They offer perspectives and questions that are deeply biblical and Wesleyan and are urgent in a world torn by conflict. They shine light on polarizations and possibilities in the United Methodist Church, the Christian Church universal, and the whole human family. The book is an invitation to reflect but, more important, to pause and appreciate the largesse of God’s love that binds people across chasms of difference.” —Dean Mary Elizabeth Moore Boston University School of Theology “This book is a wonderful resource for all who take seriously the prayer for unity Jesus prayed in John 17:20-21. The authors represent a rich diversity of voices from across the globe, all calling us to focus on that which binds us together in love. I heartily recommend this book to all who are interested in building bridges of unity.” —Dr. Clayton Oliphint Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church, Richardson, Texas "I urge all United Methodists to read Celebrating God's Love in preparation for the 2016 General Conference, because it serves as a valuable reminder of our commitment to ecumenical and interreligious relationships and dialogue." —Jim Winkler President and General Secretary National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA

Tear Down These Walls

Book Description

"I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one--as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me" (John 17:20-21, NLT). For most Christians these words of Jesus seem like an unreachable ideal. Or they promise spiritual unity without a visible demonstration between real people. Some even read these words with a sense of fear seeing this text used for a compromise agenda. How should we understand this prayer offered for all who follow Jesus? What if Jesus really intended for the world to "believe" the gospel on the basis of looking at Christians who live deep unity in a shared relationship with him? What if there is way of understanding what Jesus desired so that we can begin anew to tear down the many walls of division that keep the world from seeing God's love in us? Is our oneness much bigger and deeper than we could imagine? John Armstrong has devoted three decades to the work of Christian unity. His story and ministry have encouraged many around the world and now they are reflected in this memoir of a life devoted to unity.

The Mark of the Christian

Book Description

Christians have not always presented an inviting picture to the world. Too often we have failed to show the beauty of authentic Christian love. And the world has disregarded Christianity as a result. Francis A. Schaeffer challenges Christians to respond compassionately to a needy world and to show the mark of Christ in all their actions.

Crazy Love

Book Description

Revised & Updated Edition! God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we're missing it? It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you've verbalized it yet or not, we all know something's wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts—it's falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything. Learn more about Crazy Love at

Until Unity

Book Description

New York Times-bestselling author Francis Chan calls for believers and churches everywhere to align our hearts with God and start taking seriously His numerous commands to unify. It is absolutely clear from Scripture that God passionately desires supernatural unity within His Church. Unity is what Jesus prays for, what He commands, and what He says will be our greatest witness to the world. If unity is so important to the heart of God, why is the Church one of the most divided groups on earth? While many believe doctrine is at the root of the problem, Francis argues that the real problem is the shallowness or non-existence of our love for each other—rooted in a shallowness in our understanding of the gospel. This is what desperately needs to change. The reason that God gifts the Church with leaders is so they can equip God’s people in a way that leads to “unity of the faith” (Ephesians 4:13). We have done a poor job at this, but it can all change. Those who are believers will hear the call and be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (v. 3). There will be opposition, but we cannot allow anything to discourage us from giving everything we have to the pursuit of a unified, restored Bride.