Youth Development from the Trenches

Book Description

Why do some children excel and some struggle? Why are some children who face many of life's greatest adversities able to overcome great risks and experience success and others do not? Author Rick Miller has spent 45 years educating, advocating, caring for, and supporting the futures of all youth. He has dedicated his professional life to disproving the claim that all children are "at risk". He believes all children are, in fact, "at hope". This book explores this breadth of understanding from a research, academic, and practitioner's perspective and translates complicated theory into straightforward and powerful expressions about what is best for today's youth. Youth Development discusses universal truths and tools that children need to not only survive but thrive at home and in school. The author has created a culture of embracing children "at hope", where every child is capable of success, no exceptions!

Kids at Hope

Book Description

John P Carlos, senior consulting partner with The Ken Blanchard Companies, and Rick Miller, founder of Kids at Hope, collaborated on this exceptional book written to guide community, school, youth organisations, and parents in developing a culture that supports the success of every child, NO EXCEPTIONS. This book is a parable about possibilities...primarily the possibility of success. Kids at Hope is a belief system that turns around the current "youth at risk" paradigm.

Shooting at the Stars

Book Description

Shooting at the Stars is the moving story of a young British soldier on the front lines during World War I who experiences an unforgettable Christmas Eve. In a letter to his mother, he describes how, despite fierce fighting earlier from both sides, Allied and German soldiers ceased firing that evening and came together on the battlefield to celebrate the holiday. They sang carols, exchanged gifts, and even lit Christmas trees. But as the holiday came to a close, they returned to their separate trenches to await orders for the war to begin again. Award-wining creator John Hendrix wonderfully brings the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914 to life with his signature style, interweaving detailed illustrations and hand-lettered text. His telling of the story celebrates the humanity that can persist during even the darkest periods of our history.

Approaches to Positive Youth Development

Book Description

Scientific research and science-guided practice based on the promotion of an individual′s strengths constitutes a radical shift in a new and growing area of study within the field of human development. Its trademark term is `positive youth development′. This approach to human development is based on the idea that, in addition to preventing problems, science and practice should promote the development of competencies, skills, and motivation in order to enhance individuals′ developmental pathways. Approaches to Positive Youth Development, is based on this concept and brings together authors from across Europe and America who are leaders in their respective fields. The main focus of the book, beyond a clarification of the paradigmatic foundations, concerns the major contexts of adolescents and young adults, namely, neighbourhoods and leisure locales, school and family, and the major themes of healthy psychosocial development, namely, competences and knowledge, prosocial behaviour, transcending problems of delinquency, civic engagement, identity, agency, and spirituality.

Community Youth Development

Book Description

This edited text focuses on positive approaches to youth development that are rapidly supplanting the traditional deficit-oriented, problem-reduction approach. The book addresses the question; what does it take to create a community that will promote the positive opportunities that can optimize the development of all young people? The book draws together the perspectives of top names and programs in positive youth development, thus assuring readers of authoritative, cutting-edge coverage.

Dilemmas in Youth Work and Youth Development Practice

Book Description

The fundamental aim of youth work is to build trusting and mutually respectful relationships with young people, creating transformative experiences for young people in formal and informal spaces outside of homes and schools. These complex and multidimensional situations mean that the day-to-day work of youth workers is full of dilemmas, pitting moral, developmental, motivational, organizational, and other concerns against each other. By showing how different youth workers respond to a variety of such dilemmas, this authentic text makes visible youth workers’ unique knowledge and skills, and explores how to work with challenging situations – from the everyday to the extraordinary. Beginning by setting out a framework for dilemma resolution, it includes a number of narrative-based chapters, in which youth workers describe and reflect on dilemmas they have faced, the knowledge and experiences they brought to bear on them and alternative paths they could have taken. Each chapter closes with a discussion from the literature about themes raised in the chapter, an analysis of dilemma and a set of overarching discussion questions designed to have readers compare and contrast the cases, consider what they would do in the situation, and reflect on their own practice. Teaching us a great deal about the norms, conventions, continuities, and discontinuities of youth work, this practical book reveals essential dimensions of the profession and contributes to a practice-based theoretical foundation of youth work.

Latino K-12 Schools

Book Description

This book is a comprehensive guide for educators and policy makers who are ready to create schools for Latinos (particularly Mexican Americans), such that students will be successful in learning and achieving in K-12 grades and college and help to advance society in the 21st century. The contents address how to redefine schools for a new century and goes well beyond school reform. It speaks to educators on adopting a positive mindset, one that sees Latinos with assets, not deficits and on expanding the school’s purpose to serve not just students but the local community. The author also emphasizes how to gain better understanding about Latino students and families, to lose stereotypic thinking, to engage families and local community resources in a more productive way, to gather information and help evaluate school/program effectiveness (and not just testing students on standardized test), and how schools can help themselves develop much needed financial and human resources.

Tales from the Trenches

Book Description

The theme of this book will be around life as a fundraiser. Fundraising is not a bad word. It's what I do. And I can honestly say, it is a pretty noble profession. It wasn't always a profession - many people "fell" into fundraising - they started their careers in something very different.My goal is to share some of the stories from the fundraising world. I will document some of the things I have learned from "being in the trenches". Being in the trenches, you ask? Am I dramatic?Nope.There are usually only three occasions where one would use the word campaign:1.Fundraising2.Politics3.War (hence the reference to trenches)I do hope you enjoy the book and my lessons learned. In some instances, I have given a "Second Thought" to the original article, particularly in light of this COVID-19 pandemic and the consequences that charities are feeling. I may not have all of the answers, but I try to tell it like it is. I am so proud to call myself a fundraiser.L'chaim (to life!)

Roland Gilbert's Stress-Free Power Parenting System

Book Description

My mission in life is helping people discover and cultivate their greatness and give their gifts to the world. This book will help you do the same for yourself and your children. And, after all is said and done, isn't this what parenting is really all about?

Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales

Book Description

Adapts an engaging selection of true stories from World War I in a graphically illustrated format in the style of the creator's popular Hazardous Tales, sharing accessible introductions to well-known battles and lesser-known secrets. By the award-winning creator of Rapunzel's Revenge.